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Unresponsive script that is causing Firefox to hang




I have been getting this since yesterday
Very annoying.
I thought it was Google having a snoop of my cashe again but apparently not
Had a look at the debugging window but all PC stuff .
What is is & can it be rectified ?




I've been getting a yellow banner the last couple days with a similar message too. I just wait a couple seconds for it to go away. Firefox browser. I guess this is common, may be tied to something running in the background from Adobe from what I've read.




I am using Chrome and about every page is hanging up, can't scroll and sometimes typing will freeze when trying to reply. Have to keep refreshing




I’m on an IPad using Safari and besides the Email problem, lately every time I login, it tells me I’m already logged in. Reset, all my preferences and Emails still come in mass, normally at night.








That's what I'm getting and it's getting much worse today. Only site I see this so far.




Starting to have the same problems as IL. Didn’t notice it until I read his post.




Went back to the mac OS and got the same results
Tried to run terminal in the background and it does look like it is Google doing the evil working out what adds to display.
This is backed up by the fact I am now getting Aust only adds in the pop ups where as last week most of them were international adds.




Forum locked up twice this morning while trying to respond to a post. Had to close out forum and restart.




Not as bad as it was but like you it still hangs quite a bit.
Now I just walk away and let it do it's merry thing and if it is stll stuck then do a force quit.
Very annoying.
Thinking about emailing the advertisers and telling them that their Google add is making my computer freeze so I am going to boycott their products




This should have been resolved last week. Still having issues? Is the yellow bar showing?




Don’t know what the yellow bar is, so I guess I haven’t seen one.




No the unresponsive script warning is not coming up.
But the pages hang for anything up to a full minute till the advertisement loads.
SO the page opens with all of the forum text and forum graphics quickly
Usually the side bar adds load first
then everything comes to a halt while the adds that appear horizontal load.
I tried using a fresh copy of Firefox with no browsing history and the cashe cleared and that loaded quite fine.
SO the problem appears to be Google snooping around on the hard drive to work out which advertisements to load.
Most of the side bar ( vertical ) adds seem to be general , forex trading , generic drugs, womens fashion and other junk sold world wide
All of the horizontal adds are location specific and in my case my computer specific because it is showing adds for stings I have looked at on ebay , gumtree and stuff I have ordered from my suppliers directly from their web portal.
On the computer with nothing on it the adds in the vertical & horizontal containers were roughly the same.
For example this morning I hit the unread tag then opened the 35 posts in separate tabs.
This took about 2 minutes to do because the unread posts tab continually hung.
I then went to the toilet , then into the kitchen, made a coffee ( 3 minutes ) put the oats on to cook , came back in and the tabs were still loading.
Struggled through the first 5, then took the oats out of the microwave ( 5 minutes cooking time ) came back and according to firefox all the tabs had finished loading.
When going through them it was still sluggish till I got to the 13th tab by which time the forum behaved as it used to.




No the unresponsive script warning is not coming up.
But the pages hang for anything up to a full minute till the advertisement loads.
SO the page opens with all of the forum text and forum graphics quickly
Usually the side bar adds load first
then everything comes to a halt while the adds that appear horizontal load.
I tried using a fresh copy of Firefox with no browsing history and the cashe cleared and that loaded quite fine.
SO the problem appears to be Google snooping around on the hard drive to work out which advertisements to load.
Most of the side bar ( vertical ) adds seem to be general , forex trading , generic drugs, womens fashion and other junk sold world wide
All of the horizontal adds are location specific and in my case my computer specific because it is showing adds for stings I have looked at on ebay , gumtree and stuff I have ordered from my suppliers directly from their web portal.
On the computer with nothing on it the adds in the vertical & horizontal containers were roughly the same.
For example this morning I hit the unread tag then opened the 35 posts in separate tabs.
This took about 2 minutes to do because the unread posts tab continually hung.
I then went to the toilet , then into the kitchen, made a coffee ( 3 minutes ) put the oats on to cook , came back in and the tabs were still loading.
Struggled through the first 5, then took the oats out of the microwave ( 5 minutes cooking time ) came back and according to firefox all the tabs had finished loading.
When going through them it was still sluggish till I got to the 13th tab by which time the forum behaved as it used to.

Have you tried clearing your browser history?




On the fresh copy of Firefox ( which had no history naturally ) the problem was substantially less.
OTOH my history is very important as I regularly need to go back & reopen old windows that took a lot searching to find in the first place.
Finding information on old obscure mowers in order to repair or purchase parts is very time consuming.
However I know when a mower came in for repair thus it is easy to go to the browser history for the week that followed to find where I got the information / parts from.
If Google needs to snoop back through my entire browsing history then it is being way too invasive.
Neither I nor Rivets are on social media & neither of us would have a face book profile so perhaps that is why Google takes so long snooping as I do not exist in cyber space.




This should have been resolved last week. Still having issues? Is the yellow bar showing?
I have not seen the yellow bar this week.




Personally I haven't had any problem lately either but of course I run a script blocker in the first place. Itd saying it is block 8 scripts but only 7 is showing, one is not showing for some reason as it is hidden. The default ones showed are the blocked ones.
