Tuff Torq 46


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
Hmmm K46AC AM131580 is $1095.15 at the brick and mortar JD stores but I can sale the same unit for $823.08 and it only costs me $560 dollars. So the transaxle and a couple hours labor is still less just the transaxle from JD. So I don't mind making $400 in a couple hours.

And if they have K46-AW it is a little less. But the real question is what condition is the mower in overall.


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
But the real question is what condition is the mower in overall.

I don't get that kind of price and Most folks won't want to put over $1k into an older mower. By the time I replaced the trans and belt and idlers and whatever else is bad under the machine I am over $1k. Then throw in the annual service and a couple deck wheels and maybe some new blades. They give you that funny look when you tell them somewhere around $1300 - $1400 to fix up their 15 year old mower.


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
But when they price a new mower that around $4K they tend think twice.

Even though I never think about repair costs until it happens. Sorta like going to sit down restaurant until bill comes. Four meals $140 then wonder why their suggested a fast food joint.

One customer last nearly had a heart attack when I handed him $2400 repair bill for a four month old JD S180 repair. His damage was covered by the warranty as warranties don't cover stupid. He had set the mower on fire by trying to mow leaves too deep and muffler set everything on fire including the operator. After he got fire out he realized he had a fire extinguisher that he should had used. Nearly all the plastics was melted.

Tiger Small Engine

Lawn Addict
Dec 7, 2022
But the real question is what condition is the mower in overall.

I don't get that kind of price and Most folks won't want to put over $1k into an older mower. By the time I replaced the trans and belt and idlers and whatever else is bad under the machine I am over $1k. Then throw in the annual service and a couple deck wheels and maybe some new blades. They give you that funny look when you tell them somewhere around $1300 - $1400 to fix up their 15 year old mower.
Almost without exception, all shops only remove and replace hydro transaxles, no repairs. I have yet to see a customer that was willing to spend upwards of $1500 for the replacement parts and labor. At that point, spending $1500 on a mower worth less than half that, is ridiculous.


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
Then I am an exception as repair about of the transaxles that have problems but most the require replacement don't get except on the higher end mowers.

And there is a point where repair costs out strip the equipment value. I do repairs when the repair cost more than 50% of the replacement cost; unless, the customer insists. Now I do a Z925A in the shop that is getting a new engine. Unit has over 4000 hrs on it yet it has been well maintained and is worth putting the money as it is used commercially. The same customer came by Saturday with his Z930M that JD wanted a $1000 to replace the wiring harness and it was only 4 F56 terminals that were bad at the PTO switch so got it out for under a $100. But now got to order some more F56 terminals as I am down to my last 20.

But the last transaxle I replaced was a over 2-1/2 years ago which was billed about $1100. And I currently have the rebuild parts for the unit but I just have gotten around to doing yet due to the current work load and hot steamy weather. The parts were about half the cost of a new unit but with labor is over 80% the cost of a new unit and the new unit came with a six month warranty from HG.
Can't record hours when the hour meter is broken.

Now that customer has since had to repair the Kohler engine short block. I did agree to only 50% of the chipping charge. And this was cause by him doing an oil change and leaving the most important part of an oil change. The oil.
And the replacement outstrips the repair costs when average this over the life of the mower.