Carscw, sir you are THE MAN! So, I went to adjust the rods as you suggested (keep in mind I have never done this since owning the machine) and basically the nuts were not tight at all therefore not really supporting the deck at all. After figuring out the double nut system (I think I did) and with my trusty deck height leveler I was able to balance out the deck height. I had always done that with the rear settings, as you have shown in your attachment. With the rear settings, I have mine set one more to the right. I am going to go move mine to the last notch and see what that does. When I got the rods set right I cranked her up and headed straight for a long patch of leaves. I can say that it is now not blowing out as much as it was, and almost back to acceptable levels. I am going to adjust the plates and see if that helps any more. Thank you so much for your valuable information. It is good to know there are folks here willing to help folks in need. I will pass it forward and keep my eye on these forums and help out anyone that is in need that I can possibly help. Thanks again! -Voo