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To bag or not to bag?




Ok so I have a Gardena reel mower, and I want to try to leave my grass clippings on my lawn. last time I tried however, my grass turned yellow even though I heard grass clippings don't lead to thatch. Am I supposed to water my grass after I leave my clipping on my lawn or leave it alone?




Ok so I have a Gardena reel mower, and I want to try to leave my grass clippings on my lawn. last time I tried however, my grass turned yellow even though I heard grass clippings don't lead to thatch. Am I supposed to water my grass after I leave my clipping on my lawn or leave it alone?

It is always best to bag with a reel mower.
With a reel mower you grass is kept. Short under a inch so the clippings just chokes out the grass

(( racing is the only sport that you need two balls ))




I would suggest bagging. About 70% of my customers have me bag their grass. I also bag my grass and it looks beautiful.

Last week I saw this lawn that was covered with leaves, and most of the lawn had yellow grass.




Alright thanks




Double cut it, but the second time u cut it, raise the deck up a bit higher than what ya cut it at




Double cut it, but the second time u cut it, raise the deck up a bit higher than what ya cut it at

I do that with a rotary mower but does not work as good with a reel mower

(( racing is the only sport that you need two balls ))




I try bagging as less as possible, just more **** to load in trucks and unload then dispose of




Newby here. I'm hoping to pick up some tips. I'm using a Toro 4260 Time Cutter with bagger on 10K sq. ft. residential lawn. Lawn is established (9 years) and generally doing well. I feed the lawn every 8 weeks or so. I use the Scott's 4 step and supplement feed between the steps to maintain the interval. I have an irrigation system and the soil is sandy so I need to keep an eye on the water.
Question: I came down with a case of "red Thread". In researching it seems my lawn may have been made susceptible by being underfed. This caught me by surprise. Since I'm feeding every 7/8 weeks now, should I just feed more often, or should I switch to mulching so I'm less dependent on the Scott's feedings?


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

Newby here. I'm hoping to pick up some tips. I'm using a Toro 4260 Time Cutter with bagger on 10K sq. ft. residential lawn. Lawn is established (9 years) and generally doing well. I feed the lawn every 8 weeks or so. I use the Scott's 4 step and supplement feed between the steps to maintain the interval. I have an irrigation system and the soil is sandy so I need to keep an eye on the water.
Question: I came down with a case of "red Thread". In researching it seems my lawn may have been made susceptible by being underfed. This caught me by surprise. Since I'm feeding every 7/8 weeks now, should I just feed more often, or should I switch to mulching so I'm less dependent on the Scott's feedings?

Mulching wouldn't hurt, but I'm not an expert to know how much it would help. The good news is red thread is temporary, and the grass will usually recover. Here is some info:





I must say since I put the throttle cable on my toro mulching is nice you can't see any clippings and that's super important. It saves time and dump fees as long as the neighbors don't complain about my super loud machine :) I'm starting to like mulching a little more


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

I'm starting to like mulching a little more

YES! :cool2: :laughing:
