Gentlemen, here's what I'm researching, my machine (2019 CRZ 48") it came in 42", 48", 52" and 61". Judging from the part#'s I could go up from 20x10.00-10 to 20x12.00-10 on the same rims., It looks to me the rims are simply 10x7 on the 48 to 61" decks and the frames are the same item except for the labeling,After the great lesson on belts, where do you buy your tires? Cheers, Ray
Bert, look at Hustler Raptor HD is 20x12.00-10 . rim is 10x8.5 , want a bet a 20"Hustler rim will fit a 20" Bobcat? , are they not both driven by ZT 2800 hydro units 48, 50, & 6012" is pretty wide for an 8.5" wide rim
Understand, the Hustler hubs I found running 20x12.00-10 uses a 10x8.5 rim with 3.12" backset, The Bobcat info is confusing because on the chart it shows 10x7 rim but it you look close. Go here same hydros can be fitted with different different stud centres according to the makers requirements
Very common to change them so wheels with different rim offsets can not be interchanged to prevent fouling or putting too much canterlevered load on the hydro axle