hi all!
i recently picked up an older Snapper rear engine rider mower. if i read the markings correctly, it's from the early 80's. it has a 14HP electric start. there have been a few issues as would be expected with an older model but i have one problem that just continues to baffle me. the drive belt to the mower deck keeps flying off. it seems to be related to when the drive is disengaged. from what i see in diagrams at the Snapper website, all the parts seem to be in place. i think all the correct parts are present. i'm opened to the possibility that i am operating it wrongly.
once i get it running and engaged, the thing works fine. a fresh set of blades are in order, but that will come after i get this worked out. if i need to stop for a moment to clear a path, move a hose , or anything else, and i want to get off, i need to disengage the belt or the safety switch in the seat kills the engine. when i disengage, the belt flies off. if it doesn't get destroyed i can stand the mower on end, reinstall the belt and continue, but, honestly, that process gets real old, real fast.
anybody ever have this issue? got any wise ideas? or maybe a suggestion where to look for operational instruction?
this mower is used enuff that all the original onboard stickers for each control and its function are gone.
