STFU? No, not in the least. You have the same right to bark as anyone else here. Take it from RED//GREEN We're all in this together. We can't possibly be right on everything. We went to a trade school; and one of the things stressed is that the 3 marks for 5 grade, or 6 grade, if you want, & 5 marks for 8 grade Coming from the groovy SAE boneheads, was to keep everybody, engineers included, in a deep state of confusion.Not so sure of that Mr Elias. Brittleness is tempered out. Grade 8 is widely used in race applications and one gentleman on this forum was surprised I once mentioned grade 5/6 as he had not seen them in south. Usually grade 6 is bagged and sold in auto stores (three slashers). Also I think in open stock in H Depot and in the specialty drawers at Lowes. We all know to avoid plain, unmarked commercial grade bolts for blade retention, I hope.
Even though many are now saying "motoman, STFU!" I now think about a lot of archived material on metric, but you will really have to convince me you need it.