I was breaking down the word lawn mower and began to look into the history of their invention. Someone also mentioned that the popularity of the lawn sports contributed to further invention of the mower.
How true are these sentiments?
Here's the Wikipedia entry for "lawn". The history is pretty interesting. Lawns date back to the Middle Ages in Europe and before the invention of "mowing machines" you could either cut grass with a scythe or employ some goats or other grass-eating animals. I would go with the goats.
I was breaking down the word lawn mower and began to look into the history of their invention. Someone also mentioned that the popularity of the lawn sports contributed to further invention of the mower.
It may have been found more desirable to play croquet on a mechanically maintained lawn rather than one covered in sheep poop.:laughing:
Imagine what it must have been like hundreds of years ago. Back when "lawn mower" wasn't a machine, but an occupation! "Here's your scythe, get to work!" :smile:
So, if lawns date back to the Middle Ages, what do you suppose they had before that? Was it just weeds with paths trampled down leading to the stream, the outhouse, the hunting grounds, and Ye Olde Starbucks? :biggrin:
Haha, I like all your lines of thoughts. The past 100 years or so must have been an interesting age to live in if our imaginations are anything to go buy.
In that case, there is a high chance that the situation 50 or so years from now will be so much different.
Imagine what it must have been like hundreds of years ago. Back when "lawn mower" wasn't a machine, but an occupation! "Here's your scythe, get to work!" :smile:
I own a scythe, I can honestly tell you I have never used it. I also have a machete as well, never used it either, both were acquired for bushwhacking. I prefer my John Deere to my scythe.
BUT it has been decades since I last used ether and I never hope to use them again... :smile:KennyV
Now they call 'Lawn'........Turf.......these trendy names for grass........but with all due respect you neeed to cut your lawn with a mower.......not a animal!
That is a true 3 horsepower........just feed me Oats...........Lol.......good to see true Horsepower not just a mechanical number!:confused2:
Western Australia has mainly fine lawns which are mowed delow a height of 1/2 an inch...but the rest of Australia it is a inch to 3 inches........absolutey different mowing heights!:confused2: