I had the very disturbing sight of seeing a man laying dead earlier this year because of not having rops and seatbelt he worked for five star lawn and was mowing goodlettsville,Tn off ramp on i-65 you can google and read channel 5 news reports on such he was 24 i think and had a young son. We had a second man killed same week worked for Franklin,TN parks dept was on a small hill rolled mower over and died no rops no seatbelt and he was 25 year operator. You guys make your own decision but i make all wear seatbelts and rops locked. Walk behinds are for under trees and pond banks.
Thank's for the PM Mid TN Lawn. You'll find Like Rivets said most ZTR accidents will be caused by an inexperienced and non-observant operator and it can be a commercial operator as well as a residential operator, just because we are so called professionals doesn't give us an edge on the mowing game. However I believe like some here that seat belts and the Rops can be and are dangerous and I believe should be left up to the person buying the machine if he wants the things or not.
You mention all these accidents with people dying and I'm sorry to hear that but I'd be willing to bet that the greatest majority of those where cause by putting the mower into a position or cutting somewhere the mower should have never been in the first place, like on your off ramp incident which was likely more than the mowers recommended 15 degree capability. Again probably caused by an inexperienced and non-observant operator like Rivets said. The biggest suggestion That I can tell or give to people and that 90% never do when they but A ZTR is
Know your mower inside and out before you ever sit down on the seat and start that engine. It will save you a lot of heartaches. BTW if you don't want seat belts and a Rops on your ZTR and you want a commercial mower they do make them without, There called s Stander.