Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild
CHEAP ARSE JUNK !! you guys remember I bought that lil red RER murray for $85.00 earlier this year ..??
well the POS took a dump on me, went to start it yesterday, and all I got was RRRRrrrrrrrr...RRRRRrrrrrrrr ZIP...NADA ..sombeeches put schitt coil on my Briggs engine, dirty nasturds, it's ONLY 32 yrs. old, thought these coils lasted till doomsday, now I gotta fork out $23.00 for a GOOD coil what the hell is this schitt ..?? can't even get a mower to last at least 45 years ..??? .......
Seriously,.. this thing is GREAT !! .. it IS, the wifeys toy,.. she luuuuvs it, it runs great, but might need a carb rebuild, or replacement, has an ocassional skip, minor thing she can live with.... :thumbsup: