Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild
OK, OK .. It's been a lonnnnnnnng time since you've filed a report on the new workshop where it "snows" inside, I want an update with PICS !! and while you're at it ... an update on that damned C-10 you're lettin rust away ...... the party's OVER pal, I ain't cuttin ya anymore slack, so let's see some arse-holes & elbows gettin it on !! .. :laughing:..:laughing:
Gee, are you under the impression that we are married or something??
Progress has been slow as my morning bike rides are slowin' me down on other fronts.
I been amassing the components to set up my bead blasting cabinet.
Got everything now 'cept the foot pedal and new gun.
Once I can blast metal I'll clean and paint the brake backing plates so I can proceed with the rear end and brakes upgrades.
Gonna go 3.73 posi...........
After that, on to the body.Hopefully it'll cool off a mite..........