Came home one night..?? about 4:00A.M. , pretty much "hammered" the wifey woke up and was giving me that look, you know, the one that read's, man you are really in deep sheet now !! Then she says, why'd ya bother coming home ?? SOOoooo I replied, .... It's the Last Place Open !!! Needless to say, things were'nt going very well after my comment !!! .. :laughing:..:laughing:..:laughing:
Ya shouulda slapped her on the bottom and said "How 'bout it, Beautiful..?"
She would have faked being asleep...............
She's too smart for that... but she got even with me one night, it was about 1:00 A.M. when she returned from a "girls night-out" she came in reaking of booze, and woke me from a sound sleep by poking me in the arse with a mop-stick, shouting "How do YOU Like It, ??? How do YOU like it, ??? Now see what I have to put up with ?? .....
yup new holland
That's a beautiful Blue Doc, is it Ford Blue? (New Holland..)
I can't picture Linda showing you where the wild goose goes, but I sure woulda loved being a fly on the wall!
We were successful in finding the leather shop this morning. It was about an hour from here, but then damn near everything is an hour from here! Leather scraps were only $8/lb so we bought four times as much as we needed along with some DOT snaps and a stamping die to install them with. I cut the leather following the patterns I'd made for each hatchet and they fit perfect. So I installed the snaps and then glued the seams together using Gorilla glue. Tomorrow we will clean up the raw edge and then stitch it permanently. I'm pretty happy with the results so far. Doc, maybe I'll make you a saddle one of these days! Or boots or maybe some chaps!! LOL... You like chaps amigo??
Vamoose Amigos! Tonight we ride....