OH BOY ..... the wifeys shows... I'm kinda fortunate, My BIL's wifey tapes General Hospital and ALL the similar shows, after work, she plays em all, she watches The Simpsons, Big-Bang Theory, and other goofy schitt, drives him crazy so he either goes into the bedroom & watches his favs there, or goes to the garage with a schitt-load of brewskis, I'm kinda lucky at least my wifey watches some of the HGTV shows, Fixer-Upper, Property-Bros., etc.,etc.,etc, AND FOX NEWS ... ( Thank You Jesus !! ) of course she likes the romance B/S on Hallmark Channel too, I like to watch the Who-Dunit type shows, or, the History Ch. , Nat Geographic, .... Nascar is when I have SUPREME RULE over the TV !! I miss the GREAT old shows, The Honeymooners, Laugh-In, Rowan& Martin, All in the Family, Johnny Carson, etc. I'm NOT into much as a sports fan anymore, big business has their greedy hands into everything, all the games we played as kids (LUCKY US) are now for schitt,.. taken over by sports conglomerates, It kills me to see these M-F @&@!$#&%$# makin millions of dollars and beechin about everything, All they respect is MONEY, cause they sure as hell DON'T respect people OR America ... GREEDY A-Hole Bassturds .. TV ?? NAH .. I'd almost rather watch paint dry or clean the trash cans...