The Daily Yardman Thread

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Roger never mentioned my name in his posts.... He did mention Boo Boo though which I think is you, I go by Beaux or just Boudreaux....

Roger I think Chuck started the GOOD pics of Transaxles AKA Rear Ends on here, then Boo Boo followed in suit, then Ronno got caught up in the scene..... Then I think you might have slipped in one or two LOL.......

Plus Tard Mes Amies ~!~!


I in no way hold you responsible for the tawdry content that this thread must now endure.. Believe me, I "know" who is responsible.. Chuck does a good job of hiding under the radar. But Boo! Boo is a borderline misogynist.


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Seriously Boudreaux ....... YOU need to lay-off takin Viagra, Cialis, and all those Deep-Woods sexual enhancements that Goomba sent ya ... YOU ... are gettin out of control, ya gotta "Get a Hold of YOURSELF" ol buddy ... Have you had a need for eye-glasses lately ..?? Do you wake up under a "tent" in the mornings ..?? I noticed you've been "BANNED" from the Beer & Brothel on a temporary basis, since ya "drink" like a fish,we know it's the Bar-rooms action, but them, being prompted from the Brothel because of your insidious behaviors in there ! ... BEHAVE yourself .. do you want to bring shame upon your brothers in arms ..?? ..:laughing:..:laughing:..:cool:


See what I mean? He's unbalanced!! It comes from altitude sickness, O2 deprivation, inhalation of incompletely combusted J2 fuel.. He really can't help himself and we all understand that and try our best to support him as a fellow Vet.. Ron is rather hard on him at times, but Boo usually deserves it...

He also allows his cats to run his household.. It's a sad, sad thing to watch a human-bean go down hill like that..


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

How did you know??

Ya know, sometimes I think that dogs are on to something.........


Ohhh, I DO like your sense of humor..



Lawn Addict
Apr 8, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Looks like our drivers covered both ends of the Brickyard 400.
congrats #2 and Roger Penske


Lawn Addict
Apr 8, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

All the hummingbirds have fled Maine.. They always leave right around the 6th of September.. I always wondered where they went.. Now I know!

The hummers ore on their annual migration to Mexico
They travel south in daily increments of 15 miles or so down to the coast, stopping off to tank up on nectar and food then moving on to make the crossing...
For the nest few weeks we will have 4 feeders going and use about a gallon of sugar water a day keeping them fed.
We will be visited by 50 to 100 birds at a time, swarming the feeders and/or waiting their turn.
Their usual skittishness is pretty much absent at this time as food is the #1 priority.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Hey. Not really worth starting a thread for I don't think:

I'm wondering exactly how the auto throttle advance works with the choke on my Husqvarna 525LS string trimmer and if I can increase it, basically to act as a single speed cruise control at about mid throttle. Would increasing the idle increase the auto advance speed? The deal is that I do a lot of one-handed trimming by bracing the engine against my forearm, but having to hold the throttle irritates my wrist tendons. I'm running the Echo Black Diamond line that cuts like crazy even at low speed. I've tried trimming after starting without clicking off the throttle advance and it works great but the engine speed isn't high enough. Is there another method I can use as a cruise control besides just cranking up the idle? BTW, I'm only running string on this trimmer, no blades.

Not knowing how that auto system works I am just winging it here but are sure you would want to run the idle up, how about some sort of blocking under the trigger to prevent full throttle and then a strap with velcro to hold the throttle were you want it?


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Looks like our drivers covered both ends of the Brickyard 400.
congrats #2 and Roger Penske

Another GREAT race, no serious wrecks, NO injuries, and it was an edge of your seat finale, shame that Truex had that rotor explode, he really is a GREAT driver and a really nice guy, was surprised to hear the 78 team is shut-down at the end of this season, hope Truex can find a new "ride" for next year, we need the "good ol boys" to keep the toughness in the sport, too many of the older drivers are leaving, I also miss Carl Edwards he was a fiesty bassturd when it was called for, the sport has changed dramatically since the the days of "Fireball Roberts'" when I first got into the Nascar scene, I'm glad things improved safety-wise but I miss the ol "Run Wut ya Brung" ... ALMOST off of the showroom floor cars, that the average guy could buy at a dealer and "trick" it out to run Nascar... just like parents ruined sports for kids, ( watch the movie The Sand-lot ) the factories and big business took over Nascar, .. AND a lot of other things .........:wink:


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

The hummers ore on their annual migration to Mexico
They travel south in daily increments of 15 miles or so down to the coast, stopping off to tank up on nectar and food then moving on to make the crossing...
For the nest few weeks we will have 4 feeders going and use about a gallon of sugar water a day keeping them fed.
We will be visited by 50 to 100 birds at a time, swarming the feeders and/or waiting their turn.
Their usual skittishness is pretty much absent at this time as food is the #1 priority.

My wifey has 2 feeding stations for the Hummers, yes we don't see them anymore since last week, we also wondered where they migrate to .. Thanks for the input ....

Darryl G

Lawn Addict
Apr 5, 2017
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Not knowing how that auto system works I am just winging it here but are sure you would want to run the idle up, how about some sort of blocking under the trigger to prevent full throttle and then a strap with velcro to hold the throttle were you want it?
Thanks for the ideas I still want to be able to hit full throttle. But now I'm thinking I could solve the issue by making an elevated cradle for my arm to mount to the engine to change the angle of my wrist. Or I guess I could just try using two hands to string trim like normal people do, lol.

Edit: Maybe I need one of these trimmers. Variable speed cruise control!
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