Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild
Good Morning gang !!
Hope everyone had a GREAT Christmas day, I'm wondering if Goomba and Doc got buried in the snow storm, haven't caught the weather/news yet, wifey and I stayed home and enjoyed a quiet restful week-end, usually, for the past 5 years we've had a "family" Christmas party/get-together, about 12-16 members, this year, everybody went separate ways, no gift exchange, not much of anything, except a scattered few Christmas cards, seems there's a big divide in the family, B/S over politics !! someones daughter, got their arse in an uproar over politics because of something on F/B, then it escalated, at first mild disagreement, now.. well the daughter went ballistic on her F/B scene.. now it's brought real tension into the entire family EXCEPT for the daughter's father, (my brother in law) his daughter THINKS he's on THAT side but he's really on THIS side, us guy's could give a schitt less, we discuss politics, but in a civil way we have 8 guys on one "side" and 3 on the other, no bickerin, no screaming, yelling, etc. BUT the wifeys, and daughters... well it's a riot for us guy's to watch the "ladies" ???? , go at it ! but it has caused some real issues in the family, B/S politics !! they should learn to watch COLLEGE football, drink beer/coffee, and eat snacks' ( ooops forget the snacks,) we like our women on the trim trim side. ( LOL ) THEY,.. ( the "ladies" ) need to stay off those &$##@&(^%%$# "social-sites" !!! Well maybe it'll blow over, but us guy's don't REALLY care, we enjoy our man-cave style get-togethers, let the "ladies" fight it out !! ( LOL ) Us guy's will handle it in the voting booth ! ..:confused2:..:laughing: