Proud is the word of the day!!!!
I bought a pair (well actually 2 different ones as they are different lengths) of Popular Mechanics brand blades for the wife's Edge
from Ollie's in Atlanta for $2.99/ea...............they fit and they wipe away we'll see how long they last...
OLLIE'S !! Geez Ron, Over here in Fl. we have one in "Leesburg" (bout an hours drive) my wife and sister in law think it's a women's Harbor Fright ! Lot's of Chinese, "garbage & knock-offs" , granted a few "good items" but, few is the right word.
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But I did find these GREAT battery powered LED lights, they come in 2 versions, 2-bar & 4-bar , Man these things are "BRIGHT" .... we bought them for the house during Hurricanes instead of using candles ,Got about 10 of them, (1 for every room, and extras ) well' we got to use them with the "big-storms" this past season, we stocked up on El-Cheapo batteries at H.F. but actually these lights still give out a fair light after 12-15 hours of continuous use. I've seen different brand names and prices from $2.00 to $6.00 for these lights ( both single & double models) Gotta show em to Goomba when he gets here, I know HE will definitely scarf some up..SUPER deal if you get em for the right price !!
The attachment is invalid!! Bugger!!
I'm gonna try this again, just for schitts & giggles, if it works, maybe someone else is interested . ...:confused2:
You can always go to Amazon site and search Geek-Lights , it should come up ??
Like I always said,"Show Boo a light, and he'll follow it anywhere ...."
WELLLLLL Mr. 666, you DEFINITELY need these too, cause YOU are always (in the dark) !!..
:thumbsup:..:laughing:..:laughing: Seriously, these things are one of the best items I've ever bought, REALLY !! [?QUOTE}
Some a buddy a gotta do it.........
N why for you keepa bustin uhh my chops ?? you know, the Luigi is STILL around, maybe he visit you, and turna ahh you nose up-side down, enna everytime itsa rain, you face gets duh flooded !! ..:laughing:..:laughing:
Planta me head first, but makea sure dat my feet are still a stickin' out......
Water me and...I MAY A GROW !!!