Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild
Now just so Boo Boo dosent get in a panic and send you all down here on a Bert hunt.
I am having week off
Going down to Melbourne for a week.
HOLY MACKEREL I agree with Boo. If Bert's "Road Raiding Rangers" are hitting the highways, no one will be safe! Lock up your daughters and lock up your wife, lock up your backdoor and run for your life! Melbourne will never be the same..
Worse than having a submarine crew pull into your harbor. I remember pulling into Aucapulco, Mexico in July of 1969. A small gang of locals made the mistake of grabbing one of our guys when he was on the beach one night, under a blanket "entertaining" a young lady. First they knocked him out and tried to rape the woman, but he came to and went to her rescue! (Submarine sailors are very chivalrous!) In that melee he got stabbed, (with a screwdriver, no less!) but then the gang members ran off. After he finally got back to the boat (about 2 AM) and the crew heard about it, it was like kicking a hornets nest! A third of them hit the beach and took revenge.. Let's just say it was not a good night to be a local out wandering around town..
Submariners, brothers for life...