Super Z stearing-hydro problems


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2020
As the owner of an old industrial level Hustler Super Z, I am aware that the Supe Z designation now seems to cover a wide range of mowers in the brand.

Might be a good idea to give your actual model/engine/hp/deck size


Forum Newbie
Sep 3, 2017
Hello Everyone. I'm brend new here but have a problem. I bought a 2020 Super Z over the weekend. It has a steering issue and my hydraulic oil is also foaming.
First the steering . It is on the left side only. When I start the mower I have nothing on the left side. I can move the lever either way and nothing. Now if I drive some using the right, it seems to pick up in 30-60 seconds, and clears pretty quickly then drives fine. It acts like nothing is there, starts working and fixes itself fairly fast, but not immediately.
Now as far as the hydro oil foaming. I did put some air pressure on the tank tonight and found a small leak at a suction line fitting. I haven't fixed it yet but it has a hose clamp on it. I think I can add another and fix it.
I don't think the 2 are related being one is on the right and one 1on the left. Someone said something about a spring in my pump?
Had a similar experience with my full size Z (not super though). One side wouldn't move either direction, and the other side barely moved so I was dead in the water. Lifted the seat and oil was foaming out of the tank and it was all over the place. Cracked both by-pass valves, blead the system enough to get the foaming stopped and manage to get back to the garage. This happened again later on and admit I was at a loss to what to do so I figured I'd change the oil and filter. When I reached up to take the filter off it was not even close to being tightly seated. Finished with the oil change and new filter. Turned out the loose filter was the total problem. It had been on there for I don't know how long and figured the gasket must have degraded enough so that it was no longer a tight seal.


Forum Newbie
Sep 3, 2017
Point of my post is that I believe you are sucking air into the system. The air is causing the foam, not the oil. I found my loose filter just by pure luck. I have had no problems since replacing the filter with proper tightness There was no indication that the old filter was "loose" as there was no leakage of oil at all. It was perfectly dry on the outside. The gap between the filter gasket and the housing had to be near microscopic. No idea how to isolate the air infiltration in your case other than to start checking fittings, etc