Hello Everyone. I'm brend new here but have a problem. I bought a 2020 Super Z over the weekend. It has a steering issue and my hydraulic oil is also foaming.
First the steering . It is on the left side only. When I start the mower I have nothing on the left side. I can move the lever either way and nothing. Now if I drive some using the right, it seems to pick up in 30-60 seconds, and clears pretty quickly then drives fine. It acts like nothing is there, starts working and fixes itself fairly fast, but not immediately.
Now as far as the hydro oil foaming. I did put some air pressure on the tank tonight and found a small leak at a suction line fitting. I haven't fixed it yet but it has a hose clamp on it. I think I can add another and fix it.
I don't think the 2 are related being one is on the right and one 1on the left. Someone said something about a spring in my pump?