stop giving your money away


Lawn Addict
Aug 20, 2010
To say in your first post in a forum "The idiots at the box stores are lucky they have jobs", it is deliberately trying to get somebody to go off. That's a troll. That's not just someone venting. If he were here for awhile, I really wouldn't have reacted so bad. But, your first post? Bet he's grinning ear to ear right now.

(and BK, he really wasn't talking about buying American. He was talking about buying from a DEALER vs. buying from a 'box store'. Most lawn mowers are made in the USA anyhow. Most trimmers aren't)

I too get angry when someone tells me how too spend my money.
I makes my blood boil when someone tells me to buy american, when the products they are referring too are merely assembled in this country to cut down on shipping costs. All of the parts are made in other countries because they work for nothing.
Automobiles....sorry, I buy what's best for me. I will not support the UAW in any way other then what suites me, I happen to drive a Ford, but only because I think it's a good design and the best value for the money so this is completely irrelevant.
This is the primary reason why we will soon be unable to compete in this market. Before the economic collapse Toyota became the largest car maker in the world. This because American car makers are quickly becoming unable to compete as the unions insist on more money and more benefits and a pension to boot. I spent my life in an industry that if you don't work, you don't get paid, sounded fair to me, after all this is America, if "I DON'T LIKE IT I CAN START MY OWN BUSINESS".
Try and find a tractor that is made in the US.
Have you noticed that the "buy american" theme is going the way of the pay phone? It's because it cannot be accomplished. Everything of value at the consumer level is manufactured, of parts made in other countries or completely by foreign hands, this because of corporate greed and trade laws that favor corporations, not the people that fought for and died this country. Why is British Petroleum drilling in the gulf of Mexico? BP in our back yard...thats my oil, MINE.
You say most lawn mowers are made in this country.... It's only because China is not interested in the lawn mower market. Chinese can't waste land on a lawn. They use it to grow their lunch. The same is true for just about everywhere but here.
Thank you twill for opening this thing up, we as americans have to get a better understanding of where we stand in global markets. The turmoil we are seeing globally now is indicative of our own future. You represented yourself well in my opinion, changed my opinion (of you) if you will.
As a consumer I implore all of us to use the tools you have to educate yourself. Understand, what is important and what is your country and your countrymen. Do not settle, for what has been dubbed "main street", is willing to offer.
And by all means.... stop letting people put Their hands in your pocket.
Buy from a dealer? When it makes sense for me, I'll buy from a's called free enterprise and it works both ways!

Now i'm done


Lawn Addict
Feb 27, 2011
Well SAID, RobertBrown!

I gotta tell you, though - Murray - Ohio is called that because, last I knew, their plant was in Ohio. Modern Tool and Die (which makes Cub Cadets, and the LT series for JD, Troy-built, White, and others), last I knew, was still maufacturing in Brownsville, Tenn. Snapper/Simplicity (part of the B&S YPPG, with murray) I believe still manufacture out of the plants they always did.......

It doesn't make sense for mowers to be brought in due to emissions laws for imports/tariffs on ride-on power equipment. It works as tarrifs should, and makes the import so expensive, they can't compete with models in the USA. But once the EPA gets their way, it might START making sense.

As for farm tractors, I was alarmed at how many 'domestic' brands are from anywhere but 'domestic' sources......

Didn't know you had a low opinion of me..:laughing: but I apparently fixed that........maybe now it's even lower?
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Lawn Addict
May 5, 2010
I know this person was not specifically talking about "buying American" - that was mine -- I know that isn't always possible and that sometimes not possible at all. I was also talking about all products in general and not only lawn equipment. I'm not attempting to tell anyone how to spend their $ and I always evaluate based on my needs and what I can or want to spend, but if products are close in value and price I will get the Made in USA product (at least all the money is not going out of the country).

(and BK, he really wasn't talking about buying American. He was talking about buying from a DEALER vs. buying from a 'box store'. Most lawn mowers are made in the USA anyhow. Most trimmers aren't)[/QUOTE]


Lawn Addict
Feb 27, 2011
I know this person was not specifically talking about "buying American" - that was mine -- I know that isn't always possible and that sometimes not possible at all. I was also talking about all products in general and not only lawn equipment. I'm not attempting to tell anyone how to spend their $ and I always evaluate based on my needs and what I can or want to spend, but if products are close in value and price I will get the Made in USA product (at least all the money is not going out of the country).

...and if I can save a couple hundred on the same product by going to Home Depot, I will.......:wink: And I WON'T be told what a hapless boob I am!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
All I can really say is that I think it's very important to support the people in your area, if that is something you can afford. I've seen a lot of stores closing down near me and it makes me feel like our money is just being spent in the wrong places. I can't stand having to drive further to get the products I want and need.


Lawn Addict
Feb 27, 2011
All I can really say is that I think it's very important to support the people in your area, if that is something you can afford. I've seen a lot of stores closing down near me and it makes me feel like our money is just being spent in the wrong places. I can't stand having to drive further to get the products I want and need.

I'm sorry, but the people working at 'big box stores' are just as local as a delaership. If Home Depot goes out of business, there are 50 or more people RIGHT HERE that'll be looking for work, too.

Look, I don't like to see little places go out of business. I like shopping at local places, and prefer to do so. But, my experience with EVERY (yes I said that) MOWER DEALER in a 100 MILE RADIUS is an elitist, snobby a-hole that DESERVES to go out of business......and a post like the OP's just seemed like the EXACT thing they'd post, if they weren't being so better - than - you to care.

Seems the MO to be PO'd at the world, and hate everyone who doesn't walk in with $100's hanging out of their pockets, begging the salesman to take them. Sorry, I may look like trash, but I like to spend, too. And, I may have more money than you think on me in CASH.

If my money means life or death to a little dealer, why don't they treat me that way, y'know? Instead, they try and guilt you, and wave a flag in your face telling you if you don't buy what they need to sell, you hate America, or something (that's a little deep - you may wanna read that a few times. Before you slam my patriotism)

No one from Home Depot or Walmart ever treated me like a snobby elitist because their stuff cost more than everyone else's. Regardless of what kind of vehicle I park in their lot, what I'm wearing, or how shaven I am: they are always nice, and treat me like a customer, not a slob. That is my litmus test.
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Lawn Pro
May 7, 2010
All of you that love your country and captialisms freedoms please I beg of u STOP SUPPORTING TH E BOX STORES. Your local dealers are your neighbors and friends. The idiots at the box stores are lucky they have jobs and will not be there when u need further guidance. Much of the equipmebt you buy at the box stores is low end junk just to get you there for the price. I sell many machines with the same brand names u desire and the are the "good stuff". Our dealership delivers all equipment fully gased and oiled and ready to go. And we even deliver to a large area for free. We service what we sell as well as everything else. Lowes, dosent tractor supply dosent etc......... we file ur warranty for u. We are trained and very experianced in sales and service. Just think 75 bucks for a triommer at walmart and when it breaks u bring it to me to fix not walmart. I get to tell u it'll cost more to fix than u payed for it. Buy a brand I carry or you local dealer carrys and uve got quality and reall tangable warranty not a piece of worthles paper with a m.anufacturer number that get you nothing. Oh and 9 out of 10 times we are cheaper................. box store .means junk and no help........

I can understand your feelings towards the Big Box Stores I feel the same, I believe in supporting my dealer before them also (nothing wrong in that) and you're entitled to your opinion but that said although the people that work in BBS may not know much about the products they sell or are trying to sell they are not Idiots and shouldn't be referred to as such as they're working people just like you.:smile: I think that's hitting below the belt, Just my 2cents.gif


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
All of you that love your country and captialisms freedoms please I beg of u STOP SUPPORTING TH E BOX STORES. Your local dealers are your neighbors and friends. The idiots at the box stores are lucky they have jobs and will not be there when u need further guidance. Much of the equipmebt you buy at the box stores is low end junk just to get you there for the price. I sell many machines with the same brand names u desire and the are the "good stuff". Our dealership delivers all equipment fully gased and oiled and ready to go. And we even deliver to a large area for free. We service what we sell as well as everything else. Lowes, dosent tractor supply dosent etc......... we file ur warranty for u. We are trained and very experianced in sales and service. Just think 75 bucks for a triommer at walmart and when it breaks u bring it to me to fix not walmart. I get to tell u it'll cost more to fix than u payed for it. Buy a brand I carry or you local dealer carrys and uve got quality and reall tangable warranty not a piece of worthles paper with a m.anufacturer number that get you nothing. Oh and 9 out of 10 times we are cheaper................. box store .means junk and no help........

You opened this thread so please tell us why you have not returned to defend your position on your viewpoint...:confused2:

I respectfully disagree with your final statement "box store means junk and no help..."

Just because I have purchased my last several push mowers and various weed eaters, blowers, etc. at Sears or Menards doesn't mean they are junk. I didn't ask for help, I knew what I wanted and the price was fair and I didn't want to drive a half hour or spend another $10 on gas to go to a dealership. There truthfully is only one real dealership in this area that carries lawn care equipment but I do not need their aid to decide what I should buy BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING AND I KNOW WHAT IS A GOOD BUY. Is this understood?

Please return and let us know why you quoted your position as such...THANKS.


Lawn Addict
Feb 27, 2011
You see, JD - I didn't get mad , either at first. My first response to the OP was pretty tame. But, after it sank in for a bit, is when it really irked me.

There are, I believe two reasons the OP hasn't returned.
  • He/she really IS a troll
  • We scared him (or her) off, for which I'd feel kinda bad.

Yes, small engine mechanic - please come on back and tell us if you meant what you said as you stated it, or what you really meant to say. If it's the latter, we are a very forgiving bunch, and will soon forget it.


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
You see, JD - I didn't get mad , either at first. My first response to the OP was pretty tame. But, after it sank in for a bit, is when it really irked me.

There are, I believe two reasons the OP hasn't returned.
  • He/she really IS a troll
  • We scared him (or her) off, for which I'd feel kinda bad.

Yes, small engine mechanic - please come on back and tell us if you meant what you said as you stated it, or what you really meant to say. If it's the latter, we are a very forgiving bunch, and will soon forget it.

Who scared off Murray Furry??? :laughing: