Hello everyone,
so a FS38 trimmer (looks fairly new) has some issues.
First off, the primer bulb sucks air in every time you let off the bulb, lots of air bubbles to be seen. Also, the bulb doesn't fill more than like 50% or less no matter how often you press it.
Secondly, the trimmer runs badly overall. It doesn't respond to throttle properly, it starts bogging down every little more throttle you add to it, too long on the throttle kills the motor completely. It does idle, but not in "harmony", the rpm stay fine until at one point it just drops for half a second, the other second it backs up again, and it repeats like that. Interestingly, it sometimes runs just fine, and the other moment it doesn't, it doesn't matter if it's cold or hot, primed or not, it just decides randomly to run nice or not, but when it does run nice - it doesn't last too long. Also, I noticed that it stops bogging down when I prime the bulb while I give it some gas. Also, I had some time to tune the carburetor properly and made it run really nice, but as I said earlier, it doesn't last long.
Thirdly (not much of an issue, but it's really weird), it runs on choke like it's not on choke, and it doesn't really matter to it much. Also, when I remove the air filter I can't shut it off (?). When I hit the off switch, it stays running for 5-6 seconds until it does itself so (this doesn't happen with the air filter on).
Here's a video of the primer bulb in action:
What I did:
- replaced metering diaphragm, the gasket under it, the pump diaphragm and the gasket under it
- replaced the primer bulb
- placed a verified working spark plug from a working trimmer
- cleaned air filter
- inspected fuel filter and the fuel lines
- cleaned the carb twice
- placed zip ties on the fuel lines since they seemed stretched
What else could be there?
Thanks anyone in advance!