The Stens representative contacted via phone recently because I had filled out a request online showing interest. He said he was coming by out on field calls in a couple of weeks (no show, no call). I asked him what kind of savings I could expect from Stens over Amazon and EBay. He said about 14%, which isn’t much. Obviously they have tiered pricing based on volume. So I don’t pay taxes (or very little) on Amazon and EBay, have fantastic service and error free orders, have free shipping usually, can order parts just in time, Small if large order, and quality parts , great selection, and good prices. Why would I switch?It's now $185 instead of $150. They had a special going last month that was under $100. Wished I'd have needed more parts then.
I just made a $125 order. I tried to think of another $55 worth of stuff I needed, but just couldn't do it.
The limit increase had me looking on Ebay & Amazon for the parts I needed from Stens.
$35 isn't enough to knock me out of being a customer. But it does make one shop around a little more.
The Stens representative contacted via phone recently because I had filled out a request online showing interest. He said he was coming by out on field calls in a couple of weeks (no show, no call). I asked him what kind of savings I could expect from Stens over Amazon and EBay. He said about 14%, which isn’t much. Obviously they have tiered pricing based on volume. So I don’t pay taxes (or very little) on Amazon and EBay, have fantastic service and error free orders, have free shipping usually, can order parts just in time, Small if large order, and quality parts , great selection, and good prices. Why would I switch?
Problem is there's no way to tell you are getting real deal OEM parts off Amazon/Ebay. Spark plugs are hugely pirated just for one.If your buying OEM from Ama/EBay at a good price, then yeah that's the way to go.
And some Amazon vendors will lie too saying they selling OEM when they ship after market parts.Problem is there's no way to tell you are getting real deal OEM parts off Amazon/Ebay. Spark plugs are hugely pirated just for one.
And mentioning shipping charges all my vendors have up the base rates.
RBI is 14.85
Gardner is 13.99
Stens is 12.50
And some Amazon vendors will lie too saying they selling OEM when they ship after market parts.
That sounds about right. When I tried ship an USC back to Canada for warranty repairs the local PO wanted nearly $100 to do it. But when I contact the OEM they sold me a round trip label for only $35. That I didn't mine so much as the USC was over $200 to replace.Less than $15 isn't really bad, I suppose. I have a close friend who died recently. His son was going to ship me a guitar he wanted me to have. Who ever he was trying to ship it through, wanted over $100.
When you take a pay cut then you can lower your prices
Inflation is built in into every Western Economic system in order to maintain th value of capitalist capital
Thus everything has to continually go up in price , except wages which in the USA in particular has remained unchanged for decades so shareholders can take bigger dividends .
That sounds about right. When I tried ship an USC back to Canada for warranty repairs the local PO wanted nearly $100 to do it. But when I contact the OEM they sold me a round trip label for only $35. That I didn't mine so much as the USC was over $200 to replace.
Insure the crap outta of your item, & track it..I've seen video's of all carriers mishandling packages. So it's a crap shoot as to which one is better.
The United States owes 32.5 trillion in debt, prints money like it grows on trees, has a social “safety net” program for way too many issues, pays people $15/hour to flip burgers, has illegal immigrants pouring over the border daily, finances other county’s wars…you see where I am going with this. These and more are the problems. Capitalism works great when you let it work on its own. When you start manipulating and tweaking it, the problems arise. The U.S. is like a household that is house poor, is running up the credit cards, and has a great job, but has no budget. Spending problems not earning problems. No politician has enough of a backbone to put his/her foot down and say “enough”.Our wages have gone up a LOT in the past decade. Too much, really. But because of the inflation (too much money in the economy), the value of the currency has dropped. So wages must increase. If the gooberment would stop all the borrowing and spending, inflation wouldn't be an issue.
Capitalism is fine. Crony capitalism mixed with a pack of spend freaks in DC creates this mess.
yepOur wages have gone up a LOT in the past decade. Too much, really. But because of the inflation (too much money in the economy), the value of the currency has dropped. So wages must increase. If the gooberment would stop all the borrowing and spending, inflation wouldn't be an issue.
Capitalism is fine. Crony capitalism mixed with a pack of spend freaks in DC creates this mess.
The national debt figure is a smoke & mirror job.The United States owes 32.5 trillion in debt, prints money like it grows on trees, has a social “safety net” program for way too many issues, pays people $15/hour to flip burgers, has illegal immigrants pouring over the border daily, finances other county’s wars…you see where I am going with this. These and more are the problems. Capitalism works great when you let it work on its own. When you start manipulating and tweaking it, the problems arise. The U.S. is like a household that is house poor, is running up the credit cards, and has a great job, but has no budget. Spending problems not earning problems. No politician has enough of a backbone to put his/her foot down and say “enough”.
The national debt figure is a smoke & mirror job.
The actual debt , ie the money requred to pay out the bonds and actual real loans that are held by private industry & other countries is around 1/3 of that , the rest is money the government borrowed from itself but appaears on the books as a "loan ".
A case of the left pocket owing the right pocket .
Once the gold standard was dropped the governments ( ours does the same thing ) has to pretend they are not just "printing money" because the economic theory will not allow money to appear from nowhere.
So the Government generates bonds ( I owe yous ) which they sell to the Treasury and to private enterprise which includes foreign governments , like Saudi Arabia, Japan & China
The problem is not what the government spends, it is what it does not collect because mutinational companies like Ford, Apple , Microsloth, Texaco, Sarah Lea , etc etc etc all offshore their profits to tax havens where they pay little to no tax on the profits and almost no tax to the US government .
Capitalist demand economies only work if the government sets firm rules and enforces them
But right now the goal posts for multination companies and the obscenely wealty are so far apart that they are just about on the side lines where as the goal posts for the workers are just barely wide enough for the ball to pass through.
During the GFC the government could have taken over all of the rubbish loans that the banks had made to the poor to buy their houses for less than 10% of what they gave to wall St
And the net result, thousands lost their entire life savings , perfectly good houses were repossed & bulldozed while the criminal bankers were back in business in less than 2 years and paying themselves massive bonuses again.
Over 75% of all of the economic stimulus went into the stock market which did absolutely nothing for the bulk of the population but allowed stanley to merge with B & D then buy out every other tool maker, close down the USA factories and off shore all of the manufacturing to China to produce even more profits for shareholdes who already have so much money they have no idea what to do with it .
Might be entitled but they rarely get that much; unless, they use crooked bookkeepping. Even I paid 14% or more in taxes on my net income as a self employed business owner this year. That is only 86% of my earnings I got to keep to run the business and to pay myself.Free market capitalism isn't a bad thing. Crony capitalism is. Corporations are entitled to at least 95% of their earnings, how ever they choose to earn it, because it comes from their customers.
Their employee's made a profit. Hardly any money into the company, and every week they get a check. If it wasn't for employers, there'd be no employee's or businesses.No company made 1¢ of profits without those things in place despite the owners who think THEY made all of the profits .
No one can get to your door if there was no road to it .
No one could pay you is there was not a financial system that worked
There would be no electricity if the government did not force the electric company to connect to loss making households
So don't kid yourself about the need for some sort of government.
Musk is the reincarnation of PT Barnam . a showman to the nth degree who got lucky in the tech boom same a Bezos 20% effort 80% dumb luck.
With Tesla Musk is a typical start up with no one to answer to other than himself as he had enough cash to kick it off without substantial financial backers.
So he is the same as Ford was back in the days of the model T.
When businesses are new they are run by people with a vision and usually backed by venture financers.
Venture finance looks for a massive sell off profit and will accept no dividends so they are happy to finance loss years and get no dividends .
Then when the business is profitable they sell their 20¢ shares for $ 20 to $100 and invest the profits into other start up ventures .
However they always sell to rent seekers who are hungry for dividents to recover their $ 100 a share so they elect directors who maximumize dividends at the cost of research, devlopement & growth which is where all the other vehicle makers are currently at .
People like to think there is a closed loop cospiracey between auto makers & oil companies that force car companies to continuslly fit bigger engines and not branch out into things like EV's.
The reality of it is launching a new product into any market that is different from the established product line is a big risk
Tooling up for an EV cost in the order of $ 100,000,000 and that is on top of the $ 200,000,000 spent on research & deveopement
So that is $ 300,000,000 that has to be diverted from dividends that the rent seekers will not condone untill forced into doing it .
Increasing the engine size cost a few hundred thousands and gets recouped in the first sale year .
Introducing a new model can take a decade to break even .
Cold economic reality .
Most of the auto makers had an EV almost ready to produce but the problem was finding a suitable power source.
Musk forced things by using an unsuitable power source ( Li batteries ) and in time the massive problems of using Li will become apparent but Musk will have sold out by then and playing on his mountain of money .
HE is not criminal but he is not the Messiah either , just some one who saw a chance of turning a quick buck.
If he was as worried about CO2 pollution as he pretends to be then he would have started with a 1 to 4 ton delivery vehicle not a 300 mph car
Every city has hundreds of thousands of delivery vehicles that all use 1 to 2 tanks for fuel each & every day plus cost a fortune for fuel & servicing so the delivery companies would leap naked over burning coals if they could get a reliable electric delivery vehicle even if the ticket price is 4 times an ICE vehicle because they will make that up in the first year and be laughing all the way to the bank for the next 6 to 10 years when they can sell them off for 1/2 what they paid for them .
For 30 years I ran a delivery business.
We bought junkers for the drivers which the 3 partners kept on the road as cheaply as possible .
All ran on LPG apart from the 8 motorcycles .
Our biggest cost was wages , next to that was running costs which were around 75% of wages .
There have ben several trials of EV's for delivery and one group actually used them reasonably effectively
These were older style vans converted to run an Pb batteries which were converted fork lift batteries , charged durning the day from solar pannels on the roof & swapped over each shift .
It did not pan out financially as the runs had to be too short to be economic due to reduced payloads because of the 1100kg of batteries and limited range .
That's the point, they don't want anyone to get or understand it..Americans used to lead the world in new technology. Now it seems to be frowned upon. I don't get it.
I have an applied science degree so I understand just how much damage Lithium mining dose and it makes coal look quite beingn .No one said there shouldn't be government. I just said it doesn't need to be a 1000 headed monster, hell bent on taxing everything under the sun to pay for their pet projects.
Elons a GOAT. He employs people all over the world. Over 50K here in the US. His EV's are fine for somethings. Not fine for other things.
I wouldn't buy an EV pick up to haul a lot of stuff all day long. But if I could pick up a cheap one, just to go to town and back, or maybe short trips (less than 200 miles) that would be fine too.
I darn sure wouldn't want one to go 1000 miles in. Most folks don't even drive more than 100 miles per day.
I do love how some will complain about how they mine the lithium. Saying it's destroying the land. But will support coal. lol. They've never seen how they flatten mountains in West VA, or Pennsylvania.
Americans used to lead the world in new technology. Now it seems to be frowned upon. I don't get it.