If you want help from the techs on this forum, you have to help us. How can you help someone who doesn't even post a brand name. Those who want to throw out guesses can do so all they want, I'll help anyone who tells me what they are working on, but I can't tell you where the muffler belt is located until I know which model and brand of outboard you are working on. If someone is working on the electrical system and can't find numbers, he's going to do more harm than good. You can call me what you like, but at least I know what I'm talking about.
Ditto, ditto amd double ditto.
One can not give accurate information if you don't know what you are looking at.
I can write generic things all day but if what I write does not marry up with what the poster sees in front of them they just get confused the send a confusing post that confuese every one on the forum and those who look at it latter on.
If you come somewhere asking for free assistance then you do so with humility and grattitude.
If the OP wants to have a hissy fit because mummy was not on hand to wipe his little botty ad tell him it it all right he is still the most important person in the world then the answer is tough.
Rivits has walked some of the thickest stupidist clots through complete rebuilds that I gave up on because they could not help fiddleing with things rather than simply do as asked.
His "muffler belt" post is actually amusing and written without any visible malace, although an emotocan or two thrown in may have lightened it up a bit.
If some one finds that offensive then perhaps they are better off taking it to a shop.
And of course this is jumping to the conclusion that the OP was pissed.
The could have fixed the mower, sold the mower, had a heart attack, had a computer malfunction, forgotten their password or even just plain run out of time right now.