Petro chemicals are all about volume.
Low volume = high prices.
You can get similar products from farm tractor supplies for about 1/2 the price per litre.
Trouble is they only come in 5 gallon cans
Tractor Supply sells 00 grease almost if not exactly like snapper and oregon 00 grease cotton pickin 00 grease for almost 5.00 a quart same looking consistency and look. They said they might quit selling it though I found some in Bristol my brother works there it is a 2 hour drive from where I live but it picked up 2 quarts for a little over 10.00 including tax. Same looking bottle as snapper and oregon! Hope this will save my friends out there some money!!Matt Dillon
Tractor Supply sells 00 grease almost if not exactly like snapper and oregon 00 grease cotton pickin 00 grease for almost 5.00 a quart same looking consistency and look. They said they might quit selling it though I found some in Bristol my brother works there it is a 2 hour drive from where I live but it picked up 2 quarts for a little over 10.00 including tax. Same looking bottle as snapper and oregon! Hope this will save my friends out there some money!!Matt Dillon
This is very confusing to me. They may look alike but for 16.50 dollars why would anybody take that chance that they may not be alike. A transmission or differently repair will sure cost you more then 16.50 if the grease isn't combatable. I can see saving money on something's but not proper lubrications. Use what the manufacture calls for and be save, they designed it.
They guarentee this 00 super s greese its mda for trans and spindles if I thought for one minute it wpould not hold up like it says it will I would not use it back when the old comets were made mine took 89/90 gear oil 1974 and my trans looks like the day it was sold!! The other brands are more like 20.00 with shipping and do they guarentee theirs? As for me I used it in my tiller have had 0 problems!!
Snapper, TSC, Oregon, Sten's, or whatever supplier to the L&G industry, doesn't make grease. They buy it from people that do. I doubt that there is any difference in any of them.
They guarentee this 00 super s greese its mda for trans and spindles if I thought for one minute it wpould not hold up like it says it will I would not use it back when the old comets were made mine took 89/90 gear oil 1974 and my trans looks like the day it was sold!! The other brands are more like 20.00 with shipping and do they guarentee theirs? As for me I used it in my tiller have had 0 problems!!
Snapper, TSC, Oregon, Sten's, or whatever supplier to the L&G industry, doesn't make grease. They buy it from people that do. I doubt that there is any difference in any of them.
It sounds good to me. So go for it. As long as I don't own the equipment put anything you feel good about using in it. I am just saying for what little different in money why chance it, I sure wouldn't. Repair parts can cost a lot more then 16.50.
This is very confusing to me. They may look alike but for 16.50 dollars why would anybody take that chance that they may not be alike. A transmission or differently repair will sure cost you more then 16.50 if the grease isn't combatable. I can see saving money on something's but not proper lubrications. Use what the manufacture calls for and be save, they designed it.
For the same reason they spend $ 200 worth of time trolling the net to find the absolute cheapest possible replacement for a stock part carried by every mower shop the wonder why it does not work when fitted. :confused2:
I did not set out to start a grease war I am just saying if you know where and what they used in making the grease 00 as Moe Joe said a company makes it not snapper just like you buy oil for your car if they say you can only use their type oil say 5 W30 would you use it or maybe another brand! It is all a money racket I believe that! As I said before they used 80/90 gear oil in 1974 on my comet snapper and the trans is in great condition because I took every part off of it and checked it. Use what you feel you need to WAS NOT trying to steer no one in a wrong direction just trying to help! Take care enjoying chatting with all of you!JamesVa Matt Dillon
It's no big deal James. Religion, politics, and motor oil will always elicit a lot of opinions. Just remember, I'm always right and everyone that doesn't agree with me must be wrong :biggrin:
It's no big deal James. Religion, politics, and motor oil will always elicit a lot of opinions. Just remember, I'm always right and everyone that doesn't agree with me must be wrong :biggrin: