Slime vs Briggs tire sealer

Which Tire sealer do you prefer?

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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Both are the same formula just with different coloured dyes.
Both will not work for very long because both are water soluible
both will accelerate the rusting of the rims
So both should be avoided,


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
I totally agree with Bert, plus your dealer or tire shop will charge you extra if they ever have to replace your tire with that stuff in it.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
I was told that the Briggs sealant would not rust steel rims. That they put stuff in them to prevent that. And looking at this website, it says Slime is doing the same thing.

I've used both. But only on customers tires. I can't remember one ever coming back.

Looking on Amazon, I found this stuff.
Phantom Farm Ballast and Tire Sealant. The reviews say it's extreme good stuff. But hard to put in a valve stem because it's sooo thick. I asked how much would it take to fix dry rot cracks on a riding mower, this morning. But haven't gotten a reply yet.


Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
I haven't used much slime but have used the Briggs version and seems to work OK, but doesn't seem to work as fast as some of the other others I have used. Just seems like the Briggs brand takes awhile for it to work into the holes and then actually seal them. I have used the Oregon brand in the past and seemed to work better. I have torn apart tires with Slime, Briggs and a couple of other brands and have never found them to cause the rims to rust. I think people are having a holdover feeling from the fix-a-flat days where that stuff was like CaCl to the rims.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Much like fuel going bad, I would guess that the use & enviroment has a lot to do with weather the rims rust or not.
Down here I am yet to pull a tyre full of any tyre sealant and find the rim clean and rust free enough to replace the tyre without first cleaning and repainting the rim.
Regularly the rust around the valve hole is so bad I either drill a new one & plug the old or replace the rim.

I feel sure it is the tyre goo because when I get a mower in for new tyres , if one has goo in it and the other has no goo, the no goo rim is always sound and the goo rim is always rusty.
By the time a tyre is suffering from dry rot it's structural integrity is compromised as the plasticizers in the rubber have been oxadized or broken down by UV rays.
So it is time to replace them.
Or in the case of real tractor tyres, fit a tube.

You prevent dry rot by using tyre dressing from the time that the tyre is nice, new & soft.

I do have a 5 gal pail of Stens tyre seal and I do use it when requested to by the customer.
Like a lot of things, I warm them once that it can rust the rimes and means that the tyre can never be plugged if the get a big hole in it.
If they still want it in the then it is $ 20 / wheel thank you.
More than once I have needed to replace the entire tyre because the owner got a big thorn hole in it and with the goo inside, I can not plug it.
They take the wheel to an "unbiased tyre shop" pay $ 20 each for several plugs then go to my competitior for a new tyre cause they are too embarassed to get one from me.

Perhaps the lattest goo is better than what I have been using but the green ( slime ) purple, Blue ( Stens ) Pink & yellow stuff I find in tyres is always associated with badly rusted rims.
The fact that the labels make the effort to state it will not rust the rim or helps to prevent rim rust or whatever tends to support that rim rusting was a problem in the past at least
The closed cell foams like fix-a-flat do not rust rims in themselves but on spoked rims they hold water that wicks up through the nipple hole.
AFAIC if those rims rust out it is the owners fault cause the stuff is only supposed to be used top get you out of trouble and not a final repair.
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Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
My fix for a leaking tubeless mower tire is an inner tube.

I've never used it in anything but did find it in a motorcycle tire once. It took HOURS to clean up that mess so the wheel could be used again.


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
No thanks.

To each his own, but I want no part of inner tube on anything I own, much less a mower. :laughing:

What sort of problems have you had by putting a tube in a tubeless mower tire? I haven't had any.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
My fix for a leaking tubeless mower tire is an inner tube.

I've never used it in anything but did find it in a motorcycle tire once. It took HOURS to clean up that mess so the wheel could be used again.

I've used a many of them. I've messed them up trying to put them in. It's a real pain in the rump to cut one while you're installing it. Only to find out afterwards.

But, I haven't made that mistake in a long time.

Plus with an inner tube, if you get a small hole in it. Slime (or the Briggs brand) works pretty good. Especially since the outside of the tube fits snug against the inside of the tire after you air it up.
Trick is to get the nail or thorn out of the tire first.

But usually 99% of my tubes go into tires that are dry rotted and cracking on the side wall.