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Simplicity Regent throttle cable issue




Hi, 5 year old Simplicity Regent 38". I have had very good luck so far with this mower and really like it.

One small issue now though. Not a big deal, more of an annoyance. When I initially set the throttle speed, as I mow the engine rpm slows down a little and I can see that the throttle handle has slipped down a notch or so and I have to then manually pull the throttle handle back up and reset it to keep the speed up.

I haven't dug into it yet, I have just been manually tweaking the throttle handle up periodically to keep the engine RPM up. Any trick on how I can make an adjustment to keep the throttle where I set it??





Half a wooden cloths peg shoved in the side of the slot.
Proper repair is to remove the lever from the dash then if it had a nut & bolt tighten it
If it is riveted over ( most are ) a whack with a pin punch should tighten it up
Otherwise it is drill out the pivot slip a friction washer between the lever & the side of the housing ( milk bottles work well ) then find a bolt with a nut & lock nut to replace the rivet.
Make sure the inner cable slides freely inside the outer
I use Tri-Flow dry lubricant ( solvent that evaporates ) which comes from push bike shops , take your thick wallet with you it ain't cheap




bertsomobile....thanks for the reply!

I think I will try the pin punch technique on the rivet (no nut and bolt on this assembly) If I can't get that to work, I checked online and new throttle assemblies are only about $50 if I need to replace it.

Thanks again.....
