I have a 2 1/2 year old and he loves mowing with me (mainly riding). Has anyone built a custom seat for a hustler that'll fit and/or strap to the floor board? I've got a good idea on what I want to to do. The bare floor with a cushion or in my lap is too hard on the both of us.
Well, I can tell who voted for Hillary, except for the Ausie! Of course my child's safety is first! Ear muffs, goggles, seat belt, etc. I can't be the only person to think of a seat for his kid on a riding lawn mower! Come on people!! When your child screams at the door for 2 hours wanting to mow with you, you gotta think of something. Safe, of course!
Ok so now that my head has cleared. LOL. I want to put this up because I was not really thinking correctly before. Some things just piss me off and I do not think well when that happens. Not one single post did it is was all of them combined that started me thinking of how soft the US has become.
So here goes nothing. What I always wanted on my mower was a wider seat so I could have him with me and be safe as well. I first read this post as the OP being level head person trying to include his son in Dad stuff. I did not think he was a stupid person for it. As a matter of fact I thought he was really smart for trying to get ideas on how to do it. I was going to tell him a wider seat was a much better idea if he had to have him with him on the mower. Being that close to all the moving parts and blow back from the deck is not a good idea. Also to let everyone know this does not include everyone in the world to set up something like this. There are STUPID people in this world that can not be fixed and being STUPID means you should not even try it. I know such a person on my street that is this kind of stupid. I saw him allowing some boys to follow him around his yard while he was mowing. This is about the fastest way to hurt someone I know. I put a very quick stop to it.
So my way over the top previous rant is over and the more level headed person is back.
Geez, I've meant no political backlash. All I'm saying is, I can not be the only person to ever thing of the idea of adding a seat for their child on a mower. I will post my badassery at a later date. Thank you all for your concern. My kid will be your kids boss one day. Assuming he survives...:confused2:
My grandson rode with me about 6 hours a week with me on my zero turn from age 1 to 6. I wish I could have built a seat for him. We never ever had a single problem. I never ran the mower as hard with him on it either. When I was growing up I was driving a tractor at age 4 bailing hay. This world has gone soft. So much so I worry for it. Not for me just all the softies. Like I tell my wife if the world ever has a problem and we as a whole loose power she would be one of the first to die. Mostly of starvation. We need to toughen up our population not wimp them out.
Not soft at all but not stupid either.
There is molly coddleing and there is unnecessary & unacceptable risk.
Some where between the two is intelligence.
My kids rode on my motorcycle , on the road in front of me on the edge of the tank til they were tall enough to ride on the back after I fitted higher foot pegs for them. This is something that is not allowed any more .
However they wore protective head gear, leather gloves & leather shoes and I rode in an appropriate mannar.
Well this has been interesting. Like I've stated before, my sons safety is priority number one. If I felt that he could not handle riding, he would not be riding. I make him wear ear muffs, safety glasses, and our seat belt when we ride. As well as when we shoot the .22 pistol (minus the safety belt), and shred the pastures. You see, as much as I hate to admit it, my wife has the last say when it comes to the safety of our son. Trust me, If she felt anything was unsafe, it wouldn't happen. Yes, things happen in the blink of an eye, I am more than aware of that having a toddler. My initial question was if anyone had every done or seen anything like that. I have a 54' Hustler Fastrak that has a pretty large floor board, with enough room to add a seat with handrails and a seat belt and cushions. Thank y'all for the entertainment.
Before I put in my 2 cents, I will give you a little background. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Occupational Safety and Health from one of only eleven accredited colleges/universities in the nation. I have worked on high-risk, billion dollar construction projects as well as in the general industry (automotive specific). My entire career has revolved around hazard recognition and mitigation, employee training and implementation and management of safety programs that help ensure that people go home at the end of the day in the same condition that they arrived in. That being said, consider this: Having your child on your mower ADDS risk to a situation where no risk (to him) exists if he is not riding on it. Outdoor power equipment is simply NOT for children to use or to be in close proximity while in operation. Manufacturers place all kinds of warnings on consumer goods not only to protect themselves, but the people who use their products.
Now, while you may be thinking that I am of the opinion that children should be in a bubble to keep them safe, that is not the case. Kids get hurt playing on the playground or riding a bike; that is normal. Here is question for you . . . When you son shows his future wife a scar on his leg from falling off of his bike when he was five, will she think anything of it? How about when he shows her a scar on his leg from where your lawn mower ran his leg over and broke his tibia. What will she think then?
Plain and simple, the risk of injury in your proposed situation is too great for any parent to be comfortable with. While it may hurt to watch your son cry for 2 hours while you cut the grass, I promise you it will hurt much less than if he was injured while riding with you.
Do the right thing and keep him safe, where he is safest; in the house!
I did this with my 3 cats! They used to prowl around looking for mice while I mowed. It was extremely frustrating, seeing as I like to mow in the dark quickly and efficiently. I ended up building a three-tier attachment to the hood of my kgro. Just locked it on the custom bracket that I made. I put the little cat beds and a swing gate on the front and voila! Problem Solved. They used to love mowing with me, and I even got to the point where one would sit on my shoulder while I mowed. He would bat at stray clippings that would fly up. It was pretty cool. Idk if I would do it with a human or not. I would love to see pictures of your idea though!
Some of y'all need to stop reading the dam book and enjoy life. I grew up on farm equipment on a bigger farm than most you will ever see. Guess what !! By age 8 I was mowing grass on a riding mower. By 12 I was running a tractor plowing beens in the field by myself. Had my parents been by the dam book sticks in the mud like some of you are I'd probably be a grown up afraid of real work and no values. So if your comfortable in your abilities to attach a seat for your child to safely ride with you go for it!!!!I wouldn't mow with a extremely young child on a mower with me unless I was on smooth ground though.