I have to register my cars every year. Pretty sure cars kill more people than guns. Nobody is trying to take my cars away. I think the gun confiscation fears are way overblown. Never gonna happen.Saw on the internet where people are lined up to register their guns and magazines in Connecticut. Reckon how long it will be now before they are lining back up to hand them in?
I have to register my cars every year. Pretty sure cars kill more people than guns. Nobody is trying to take my cars away. I think the gun confiscation fears are way overblown. Never gonna happen.
The ownership of full auto machine guns is still legal if owned before April 4, 2013. Doesn't sound that restrictive.
Those are not fully auto guns that they are registering first off. Secondly your car is not to protect you it is for transportation.
I would imagine that there were people in Germany in the 1930's and early 1940's that thought that the thought of guns being taken up was way overblown as well.
Any time a communist regime prepares to take over a country the first thing that happens is to register and then collect guns. History bears this out.
Sounds like a machine gun to meSelective fire means that a machine gun can fire semi or fully automatically. Machine guns that can only fire fully automatically are legal in Connecticut if they were possessed prior to April 4, 2013 and registered on or before January 1, 2014.
I have to register my cars every year. Pretty sure cars kill more people than guns. Nobody is trying to take my cars away. I think the gun confiscation fears are way overblown. Never gonna happen.
The ownership of full auto machine guns is still legal if owned before April 4, 2013. Doesn't sound that restrictive.
Sounds like a machine gun to me
Gun laws in Connecticut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Connecticut Law About Firearms Law
I don't get your point about the car vs gun. I own them... they're mine... I have to register them. I'm in favor of registration. There are no illegally made guns. They all come from legitimate companies who pay taxes and keep records. If records were kept on down the line guns would be a lot easier to trace and account for. It wouldn't affect honest people at all.
I'm not getting the Nazi reference either. Most German men and a lot of German women were given (some by force) guns in the 1940's. Nice guns.
If you're saying a communist regime is getting ready to take over the US then I'm going to have to bow out of this conversation. That's not even in the realm of possibility. That would be like talking about the possibility of space aliens taking over the planet. It's just not something I can take seriously.
Apparently you did not hear about the 6 million or so people that they killed in Germany on the 1940's.
A lot fell on Russia as well same MO. Guns registered and collected in Cuba as well.
If you can't see how close we are to falling into communism you need to wake up and see what is happening around you. We are almost there.
This is just funny.. thing about Americans even if we all register our guns and they come knocking on your door Americans aren't going to willingly give up there guns . And if we are going to fall into communism the rest of the world is going to **** to... We have been in almost every war promoting and killing for democracy your fears about us falling into communism is retarded its not going to happen even if they try to many people won't allow it so stop being silly
I think we all know what a machine gun isNo, that doesn't sound very restrictive at all. By the way, who told you that? It's wrong. From GunCite - Gun Control: Machine Guns
A fully automatic weapon (a machine gun) is one that fires a succession of bullets so long as the trigger is depressed or until the ammunition supply is exhausted. In addition, any weapon that shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot automatically, more than one shot at a time by a single trigger pull, is legally considered to be a machine gun.
Submachine guns are fully automatic weapons that fire a handgun cartridge and can be operated by one person. Sometimes they are referred to as machine pistols.
A machine gun can normally fire between 400 and 1,000 rounds (bullets) per minute, or between 7 and 17 rounds per second.
Federal Firearms Regulations
It has been unlawful since 1934 (The National Firearms Act) for civilians to own machine guns without special permission from the U.S. Treasury Department. Machine guns are subject to a $200 tax every time their ownership changes from one federally registered owner to another, and each new weapon is subject to a manufacturing tax when it is made, and it must be registered with the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in its National Firearms Registry.
Never gonna happen, you say? It happened after hurricane Katrina, didn't you hear about that? Many of those folks were disarmed.
Well yeah I did hear a lot about that. IIRC Germans did that. The ones you said had all their guns confiscated. You totally lost me thereApparently you did not hear about the 6 million or so people that they killed in Germany on the 1940's.
A lot fell on Russia as well same MO. Guns registered and collected in Cuba as well.
If you can't see how close we are to falling into communism you need to wake up and see what is happening around you. We are almost there.
I think we all know what a machine gun is![]()
Let me see if I got this part straight: the Connecticut .gov website is wrong because a gun nut site says it is. Seriously?
If you read through those sites you must have seen the part that said anyone owning a machine gun or any other weapon prior to the date the law went into effect is welcome to keep them through a grandfather clause. I couldn't swear that anyone in Connecticut owns a machine gun but I don't thing the state lege would put that clause in if there weren't some machine gun owners living there. I don't see why anyone needs a machine gun or a 100 or even a 30 round drum. Must be expecting the zombie apocalypse. And have more money than sense
I could bump fire an AK or AR and most people wouldn't know it wasn't a machine gun. And effectively it wouldn't matter.
If you want a weapon for home protection buy a shotgun. More likely to hit the bad guy and a lot less likely to kill the neighbors.
Katrina... you'll need to talk to the NOPD about that because that's who confiscated the 700 or so guns. They did offer them back with proof of ownership. Not many people could provide that proof. An agreement was reached later I think whereby people could claim their guns by signing an affidavit swearing that they were the true and rightful owner. Personally I wouldn't trust a NOLA cop any farther than I could toss him. The feds had nothing to do with that. So the NOPD is going to set up a commie government and take over the world? Could be true...
Well yeah I did hear a lot about that. IIRC Germans did that. The ones you said had all their guns confiscated. You totally lost me there
The oil companies are making record profits and Wall Street & bankers are back to screwing people out of their hard earned money again but we're falling into communism??? No.. I'm sorry but that's just crazy talk. We're not in danger of becoming communist state... we're in danger of becoming a corporatocracy or whatever it's called when the richest control government. Hell we're already there really. We get to choose between the candidates the wealthiest in one party put up against the candidates that the wealthiest in the other party puts up.
From where I'm sitting that doesn't look much like a choice. We get to pick what we consider the lesser of two evils.
Saw on the internet where people are lined up to register their guns and magazines in Connecticut. Reckon how long it will be now before they are lining back up to hand them in?
This legislation is right on the cusp of infringement. The teeth of it are right here and this is what bothers me.I think this is a case of another government official going off the deep end again. I mean seriously Connecticut already had some of the strictest gun laws in the country, what good is registering a gun going to do? Is it going to stop what happened in Connecticut from happening again, No. There will always be guns available somewhere to buy without registration. There are in fact some states that prohibit any type of gun registration. This whole thing is just blown out of proportion.
Connecticut statutes contain provision that allow law enforcement officials to pre-emptively seize a person's firearms without a warrant or court order, when they have probable cause that the person may either be mentally unstable or intends to use the weapons to commit a crime. The weapons remain in the custody of the law enforcement office that confiscated them until further directed by an appropriate court of law.
MILLER: Gun re-registration law in D.C. goes into effect in 2014, may lead to arrest, confiscation - Washington TimesStarting on Jan. 2, every single D.C. resident who has registered a firearm since 1976 must go to police headquarters to pay a $48 fee and be photographed and fingerprinted.
The Metropolitan Police Department estimates there are at least 30,000 registered gun owners.
If the registrant does not go to the police station within three months after a set time frame, the registration is revoked. That citizen is then in possession of an unregistered firearm, which is a felony that carries a maximum penalty of a $1,000 fine and a year in jail.
The gun itself is put into a category of weapons that can never be registered, just as though it were a machine gun or a sawed-off shotgun.
The city has not made clear how it will enforce the law, but the police are in possession of all registrants home addresses so confiscation and arrests would be simple.
The police are notifying registrants by mail that they have to come to the station on the set schedule.
Read more: MILLER: Gun re-registration law in D.C. goes into effect in 2014, may lead to arrest, confiscation - Washington Times
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I think this is a case of another government official going off the deep end again. I mean seriously Connecticut already had some of the strictest gun laws in the country, what good is registering a gun going to do? Is it going to stop what happened in Connecticut from happening again, No. There will always be guns available somewhere to buy without registration. There are in fact some states that prohibit any type of gun registration. This whole thing is just blown out of proportion.
The government would never do anything without thinking about it first..:laughing:...:laughing:..
53-202c, and 53-202e say you're wrong.And, your use of the term "gun nut" means I can't change your mind.
You are correct about one thing, though. Local police departments are becoming more militarized,
I don't recall anybody mentioning communism, nazi's yes.Wrong about what? Not that I've never been wrong lol.
I was a self described car nut at one time. Just means you're seriously into it. I see our point thought. There are some gun nuts that I'd consider nuts and wouldn't want to hang out with.
I think I'm right about more than one thing but the cops thing is scary. NOLA cops make me uncomfortable. The only LEA that comes close as far as corruption and loose cannons would be Los Angeles.
And yes the Homeland security agency has fitted out a lot of LEAs with high tech equipment they probably don't need and shouldn't have. They will have drones soon if they don't already.
The biggest disagreement I see here is that some of you believe the Federal government is getting ready to confiscate guns, declare martial law, and become communist.
You're right about one thingYou won't change my mind on that. That is not going to happen. The people who really call the shots are capitalists. They would never cut their own throats by turning the US communist. You're not thinking this through.
I don't recall anybody mentioning communism, nazi's yes.
If you think communism is the concern, your not thinking this through. Freedom is what the issue is here. Nobody cares how many cars you have, the more the better. Cars help the economy, they require insurance, registration, tags...you get the picture. You have already been inoculated, part of the collective....with your car.
I'm guessing you don't give a **** about guns because you don't have one. Multiply 48 x 30,000 real quick. Soon it will be 48$ a year. Why not a 148$ a year?
bend over! now how do you like it?
And we're all part of a collective. If we want good roads, streets, bridges, police, firemen, EMTs, military, parks, fancy sports stadiums, schools, libraries etc. Collectively we pay for those things. Is that socialism? I don't feel overtaxed onincome or what I buy. The US has one of the lowest tax rates in the world. Hell, there are some large corporations that have a negative effective tax rate.
I do feel overtaxed. Some of the Taxes United States Citizens Pay Each Year
Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer registration tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
and our newest tax according to our supreme court, ObamaCare. Not one of these taxes existed a little over 100 years ago and our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. What the hell happened? And to think we started a revolution over a tea tax and then the British King's imposed intolerable acts.
During the American Revolution, the active forces in the field against the King's tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists. They were in turn actively supported by perhaps 10% of the population. In addition to these revolutionaries were perhaps another 20% who favored their cause but did little or nothing to support it. Another one-third of the population sided with the King (by the end of the war there were actually more Americans fighting FOR the King than there were in the field against him) and the final third took no side, blew with the wind and took what came. The verdict of history is that no state remains committed to liberty forever, which means that such a time will come again.
Sounds like a lot of rambling, but if I may simplify ...what your saying is "shut up and pay it", "I don't own a gun so if they come for mine :cool2:.......it's just my rights after all, no big deal".
So members, If you can't afford your rights guaranteed by the constitution, no, matter what the price, that's not Mikes problem, he doesn't own a gun and apparently he's got lots of money.
You should consider politics, Mike. You have what it takes.
Do you pay each of those taxes? I don't think that 100 years ago there was much of a middle class. The middle class began to grow about 100 years ago and boomed after WWII. The US is still the wealthiest nation in the world. Also by far the most powerful.
Before the income tax, US revenue came mostly from tariffs. That didn't work out that well for the average citizen but it was great for the wealthy. The gilded age.
100 years ago...
The average life expectancy in the U.S. was 47 years.
14 percent of the homes in the U.S. had a bathtub.
8 percent of homes had a telephone.
Infant mortality rate was about 15%
There were 144 miles of paved roads.
The average wage in the U.S. was 22 cents per hour.
The average U.S. worker made between $200 and $400 per year.
The average age was 23 years old.
Middle class?
You'd miss your cars and trucks and roads and bridges.
The first substantive act of the First Congress signed into law on July 4, 1789 imposed duties on tea, salt, beer, candles, sugar, cider, nails, shoes, soap.
Here's how overtaxed you are:
View attachment 18839
Anyway, we're getting way off topic here. My last say... People's guns are not going to be confiscated. We're not in danger of becoming socialist, communist, or Nazi. I'm 58 years old and I've been hearing this kind of talk since I was a child.
There will be no revolution.
I don't think the people who want a revolution could handle the US military, CIA, FBI, NSA, and all the rest of what the government would throw at them. I sure as hell wouldn't want to see it tried.
I pay 80% of taxes I listed.
The USA is also the most in debt nation in the world, more than double that of the second most in debt nation and owes 20.61% of total world debt.
Tariffs are only for imports/exports, not items domestically produced and sold.
Average life expectancy was lower then due to infant mortality rate. Take that away and life expectancy increases.
People took a bath once a year in the not so distant past so no need for a bath tub. Years before that there were no telephones. Technology increases as we go forward. I fail to see your point.
The Roman Empire was the most powerful in the world and had more than 400,000 km of roads, of which over 80,500 km were stone-paved. Many believed the Roman Empire would not fail too.
Average individual income in 1900 was $800. As of 2013 average individual income is $26,364. Officially $800 in 1913 would be $18,602 today and unofficially $53,836. Quite a gap between the reported inflation and the real inflation rate as reflected in the price of gold. Always convert to gold to get to the truth. We have had a 99.7% reduction in the value of currency, and a 350% rise in the unemployment rate (because most in know understand real unemployment is probably over 23%).
July 4, 1789 imposed duties on tea, salt, beer, candles, sugar, cider, nails, shoes, soap were on imports, not domestic products. This was a voluntary tax, if you chose not to purchase imports you paid no tax. The first permanent income tax in the USA began in 1913.
Government Revenue in the United States has steadily increased from 7 percent of GDP in 1902 to over 35 percent today.
The attached chart shows the increasing length of time you work each year to pay your taxes in the USA.
I apologize for getting off topic and political, just thought people should know the facts. Never say never.
I do not want to see a revolution either, but history shows us that it will happen again. Whether or not in our lifetime, we have to see.
Thanks for the comments Mike, we can agree to disagree. Good day to all.
Promise? You said that once before.I'm gonna stop rambling now![]()
Promise? You said that once before.
"You Americans"?
What we are talking about here...... if I may sift through all of the junk you just spewed... is your government hijacking rights guaranteed by the constitution and selling them back to it's constituents. That revenue is supposedly used to enforce gun laws which we are already paying for. These guns have already been registered once.
If you like that Mike... great. shut up and pay it!
Promise? You said that once before.
"You Americans"?
What we are talking about here...... if I may sift through all of the junk you just spewed... is your government hijacking rights guaranteed by the constitution and selling them back to it's constituents. That revenue is supposedly used to enforce gun laws which we are already paying for. These guns have already been registered once.
If you like that Mike... great. shut up and pay it!
Okay... no rambling. The basic problem here is a lack of argument and reading comprehension skills on your part. Or maybe you just want to deliberately change my words and hope it isn't noticed?
There is no post where I say "you Americans."
Registering more than once? I didn't see that. Where did you see that?
Might want to keep in mind that there are state constitutions and then there's the US constitution.
This is a state law... not a federal law.
I do agree with wjjones... we have a right to know that each tax is going for what it was intended for and if what it's intended for is necessary. I'm thinking about these "bridges to nowhere" type taxes. There's a lot of things I don't like in government. Mostly this... how government works:
View attachment 18865
Yes sir, in every state... whether it's a project by local, state, or federal government.Yep, and I believe there are alot of those (Bridges to nowhere taxes).
I do read a lot jekjr... more than is probably good for me. I don't ave much faith in government whether it's local or federal. I just don't see what you see. I haven't seen any stories on confiscation. That's NRA and other organizations fear tactics. The NRA used to be a good, legitimate organization. Now its just another lobbyist group.Just courteous how you can watch what is playing out in front of you on a daily basis and say that. Apparently you do not read much. There is too much documented evidence to prove otherwise. Throughout history gun registration only leads to gun confiscation. The only reason America has not already fallen is because of the numbers of guns in the hands of private citizens. With FEMA and these other government agencies gaining strength and arming themselves what do you think the government is preparing for.
All they have to do right now is turn the welfare and food stamp,cards off and we will be under martial law within 24 hours or less. Once that happens it will be down hill from there. That is just one scerino to bring it down like a house of cards.
Yes sir, in every state... whether it's a project by local, state, or federal government.
I do read a lot jekjr... more than is probably good for me. I don't ave much faith in government whether it's local or federal. I just don't see what you see. I haven't seen any stories on confiscation. That's NRA and other organizations fear tactics. The NRA used to be a good, legitimate organization. Now its just another lobbyist group.
The US government is not planning to confiscate weapons and declare martial law and become a totalitarian dictatorship.
Not because they are afraid of armed citizens. They could crush that easily. There's just no point in it. And I doubt that anyone who is capable of setting that in motion even has an interest in doing it.
Let me ask you a question. What do you see happening that makes you think this is coming? What do you read that makes you think it's coming?
If it were not for the NRA the guns would already be pretty much a thing of the past.
Registering more than once? I didn't see that. Where did you see that?
Well that explains a lot.
You and I are not on the same page. Rather than comment on your attention to detail, I will politely direct you to the post that explains clearly what I've been talking about. It's not hard to find as this thread is brief.
Using my powers of deduction....I suppose you have already located it. If you have not. I'll be happy to help.
Your welcome
I think this thread need to be put away with the what oil to use threads.
Oh, you've said that before.We are probably not even in the same book. There is no reregistration in Connecticut. Rather than comment on your inability to stay on topic I'll just wish you a nice day![]()
Oh please. You didn't see Ray Nagin's idiocy after Katrina? Shame on you if you didn't, as it was being broadcast on even the most liberal news shows. That was only one of the confiscations that have happened over the years "for the greater good." Who's greater good? Certainly not mine, had I lived there. Go live in England or Australia if you don't fear confiscation. Confiscation is a coming reality here just as much as "eliminating the Second Amendment from the Constitution," which is really what gun-grabbers want, and if you don't believe that you're either being deliberately disingenuous or truly have your head in the sand. When this goes federal, there will be another revolution, demonstrated quite nicely several years ago by California's willful disobedience to an "assault rifle" registration, that netted the constabulary about 3% of the owners towing the line. And creeping incrementalism is what is going to make this country socialist, which will then lead to communism "for the greater good." Again, if you don't see this happening, I am sorry for you. A blind man could see it with a cane. Try reading Obama's own writings-he's a socialist through and through.I do read a lot jekjr... more than is probably good for me. I don't ave much faith in government whether it's local or federal. I just don't see what you see. I haven't seen any stories on confiscation. That's NRA and other organizations fear tactics. The NRA used to be a good, legitimate organization. Now its just another lobbyist group.
The US government is not planning to confiscate weapons and declare martial law and become a totalitarian dictatorship.
Not because they are afraid of armed citizens. They could crush that easily. There's just no point in it. And I doubt that anyone who is capable of setting that in motion even has an interest in doing it.
Let me ask you a question. What do you see happening that makes you think this is coming? What do you read that makes you think it's coming?
You can say what you want... that doesn't make it true. Unless you want to show proof that Connecticut is making gun owners reregister...Oh, you've said that before.
I'm on topic, your lost.
I'm waiting.........
Yeah NOLA has already come up. Nagin and NOPD are in New Orleans.Oh please. You didn't see Ray Nagin's idiocy after Katrina? Shame on you if you didn't, as it was being broadcast on even the most liberal news shows. That was only one of the confiscations that have happened over the years "for the greater good." Who's greater good? Certainly not mine, had I lived there. Go live in England or Australia if you don't fear confiscation. Confiscation is a coming reality here just as much as "eliminating the Second Amendment from the Constitution," which is really what gun-grabbers want, and if you don't believe that you're either being deliberately disingenuous or truly have your head in the sand. When this goes federal, there will be another revolution, demonstrated quite nicely several years ago by California's willful disobedience to an "assault rifle" registration, that netted the constabulary about 3% of the owners towing the line. And creeping incrementalism is what is going to make this country socialist, which will then lead to communism "for the greater good." Again, if you don't see this happening, I am sorry for you. A blind man could see it with a cane. Try reading Obama's own writings-he's a socialist through and through.
This (Obamacare) is the best option for now, as it gets us that much closer to a single-payer system (socialized medicine).....B. Obama
I've been for a single-payer system since before most of you were born.......N. Pelosi
The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms. History shows that all conquerors that have allowed the subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.......Adolf Hitler
This will not work if we remain armed-we proved it during the first revolution and will again if need be, and that's why the government, especially the liberals want us disarmed.
This is just funny.. thing about Americans even if we all register our guns and they come knocking on your door Americans aren't going to willingly give up there guns . And if we are going to fall into communism the rest of the world is going to **** to... We have been in almost every war promoting and killing for democracy your fears about us falling into communism is retarded its not going to happen even if they try to many people won't allow it so stop being silly
I am curious as to who is willing to stop it. We now have sworn communist in power in all aspects of our government. As it was in Germany according to several I have heard share the majority of the people ridiculed those that said it was coming. To say we are not teetering on the brink of Socialism which will lead to communism quickly is to have one's head in the sand.
Our military is being programmed in certain aspects to see those who disagree as the enemy. Yes the rest of the world is going to **** along with us.
If you are too blind to see this you are in trouble.
What for? I could be sitting on your chest beating you over the head with it, and you'd still be telling me the sky is orange. And lawsuits make it alright eh? Yeah, we'll simply confiscate your guns, but you may get them back after several years when we're proved wrong, if they haven't been destroyed for the greater good by then.You can say what you want... that doesn't make it true. Unless you want to show proof that Connecticut is making gun owners reregister...
Yeah NOLA has already come up. Nagin and NOPD are in New Orleans.
Like I said I've been hear chicken littles say the commies are taking over since I was a kid. It's not happening. Lets talk when you have something.
Look... here's the deal with you and a few others here. You're right and anyone who disagrees is wrong regardless of whether you have any facts to back up you claims and conspiracy theories.What for? I could be sitting on your chest beating you over the head with it, and you'd still be telling me the sky is orange. And lawsuits make it alright eh? Yeah, we'll simply confiscate your guns, but you may get them back after several years when we're proved wrong, if they haven't been destroyed for the greater good by then.
The idea is to never give them up in the first place. Once the Second Amendment is history, the rest is easy. It just happens to be in the way right now.
Look... here's the deal with you and a few others here. You're right and anyone who disagrees is wrong regardless of whether you have any facts to back up you claims and conspiracy theories.
And you don't even listen. Nowhere did I defend Nagin or the NOPD. I have said twice now that they are corrupt and out of control and that was a good example. What happened in NOLA was an isolated event... by local authorities. No way to spin that as being a federal plan to take your guns away. That just dont fly... shouldn't even have to point that out. Cops out of control... happens all the time. Happened in Oakland and NYC a while back with those Occupy protesters.
That didn't bother you though because they're on the other side right? Didn't bother you when those cops beat that mentally ill kid to death?
It didn't bother you when Bush set up "free speech zones" did it? Civil and Constitutional rights only apply to conservativesI've heard that Obama has done it too and I can tell you it pisses me off. There shouldn't be any free speech "zones" in America. The whole country is supposed to be a free speech zone.
Hint: you're the one saying the sky isn't blue... not me. I stay based in reality. When you have anything more than paranoia and an extreme dislike of Obama, Pelosi, or whoever, come back and we'll talk. Because right now nobody in this thread has anything but theories, wild speculation and fear that we're on the brink of a communist dictatorship.
Its just good comradery.
I object.. I dont even have a theory.:laughing:..:laughing:..:smile:
What does any of this have to do with mowers?
Its the front porch section. It is for the stuff that is un-related to equipment, mowers, etc.
I know this.
Was being funny to break it up a little
Who the hell do you think you are putting words in my mouth? I was completely and unequivocally against "the patriot act" et all, that seem to be the driving force in letting a sitting president do whatever the hell he wants. And Bush wasn't even my candidate. But I would have voted for him a thousand times over the likes of Obama and his cohorts. These "isolated events" will getting more and more numerous as long as Obama remains in office, because his office will NEVER admit to anybody denying rights to citizens in this way. You want facts, here are FACTS.Look... here's the deal with you and a few others here. You're right and anyone who disagrees is wrong regardless of whether you have any facts to back up you claims and conspiracy theories.
And you don't even listen. Nowhere did I defend Nagin or the NOPD. I have said twice now that they are corrupt and out of control and that was a good example. What happened in NOLA was an isolated event... by local authorities. No way to spin that as being a federal plan to take your guns away. That just dont fly... shouldn't even have to point that out. Cops out of control... happens all the time. Happened in Oakland and NYC a while back with those Occupy protesters.
That didn't bother you though because they're on the other side right? Didn't bother you when those cops beat that mentally ill kid to death?
It didn't bother you when Bush set up "free speech zones" did it? Civil and Constitutional rights only apply to conservativesI've heard that Obama has done it too and I can tell you it pisses me off. There shouldn't be any free speech "zones" in America. The whole country is supposed to be a free speech zone.
Hint: you're the one saying the sky isn't blue... not me. I stay based in reality. When you have anything more than paranoia and an extreme dislike of Obama, Pelosi, or whoever, come back and we'll talk. Because right now nobody in this thread has anything but theories, wild speculation and fear that we're on the brink of a communist dictatorship.
Yes sir, in every state... whether it's a project by local, state, or federal government.
I do read a lot jekjr... more than is probably good for me. I don't ave much faith in government whether it's local or federal. I just don't see what you see. I haven't seen any stories on confiscation. That's NRA and other organizations fear tactics. The NRA used to be a good, legitimate organization. Now its just another lobbyist group.
The US government is not planning to confiscate weapons and declare martial law and become a totalitarian dictatorship.
Not because they are afraid of armed citizens. They could crush that easily. There's just no point in it. And I doubt that anyone who is capable of setting that in motion even has an interest in doing it.
Let me ask you a question. What do you see happening that makes you think this is coming? What do you read that makes you think it's coming?
Since you read a lot, read up on all of this and the hundreds more executive orders that this president has signed in the last two years. In fact I saw a columnist in a small town paper that I read last night that stated he has now enacted more executive orders than all of the other presidents put together from G. Bush Jr back to George Washington already.
Read up on some of these and tell me why else they would need to be written. executive order #10995--allows the government to seize and control the communication media----# 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals--- # 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms---#11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision---#11001 allows the government to take over all health, education, and welfare functions........
Since I am apparently so ignorant please explain to me why we would need these orders. Oh I am sure they are for MY protection right. Of course while they have taken the guns of law abiding citizens up.
Obama... Did nothing people are stupid enough to believe a president has any real power do not deserve to own firearms... He's just a pretty face in front of the system someone to blame..