Choking down didn't seem to affect the RPMs but I feel like it did smooth out the misfiring a bit. It's hard to tell, and none of it is picked up on the camera. But I don't know, it did feel a little smoother.
Okay this is getting crazy. The main still sounds partially clogged. It does give a little more fuel and less air when choked down. Slightly smoothing out the engine. I hope you fully choked it down.
"throttle plate slash linkage" . . . that what now
Looking at the top of the carb. There is a choke plate which is physically away from the engine block and there is a throttle plate which is closest to the block ON/inside the carb body. That gov spring with a lot of coils is your throttle/governor spring. You have a rigid linkage from that thermostatic lever that controls the choke plate. Thermostatic lever heats up off the exhaust and moves the choke lever choking the engine down. This increases the air velocity which picks up more fuel off the main jet and its circuit. That enrichens the engine when cold to make her start. Colder air needs more fuel. Cars and trucks use more fuel in the winter. Fuel is not as volatile and so on. That is why we have summer and winter blended fuels. Getting off point.
Also not clear on what you're actually telling me to do when you say "Do a low rev and a high normal rev condition" ??
I meant hold the throttle linkage on top of the carb steady as in not moving it. If the revs and or misfires steady out, need to look at the governor spring, maybe the governor arm setting on the outside of the block or the internal governor itself. Low revs meaning say 2000rpm. High revs at 3600 full song. Does it smooth out?
Also note, I crashed my mountain bike yesterday

and messed up my hand pretty bad so it may be a few days before I'm able to do any of this.
Well that was bad timing. If you don't already know. For road rash the trick is anti-bacterial cream like neosporin ointment and honey 50/50 mix. Slather it on and wrap in clear Saran Wrap plastic wrap kitchen stuff. Tape it all down. Be surprised how fast it heals compared to all other methods. Honey is anti-bacterial, fungal and so on.
ALSO, second note, all forum posts are optional. You can skip any you don't like, for any reason, no questions asked. As for "isn't 9 pages enough", obviously not if the machine isn't 100% fixed yet.
I got that. You wouldn't be here unless there was an issue. I'm sure you have other pressing issues like NOT CRASHING YOUR BIKE you silly goose.