What makes you think it is rear end problems? Maybe just needs a belt and we could use just a little more information and I am sure you will get lots of help on this forum.
I thought about being a psychic once, but came close enough as a lawnmower mechanic trying to 2nd guess, troubleshoot problem mowers, try and figure out what customers are trying to tell me. I especially love the sound effects they make in trying to describe their dilemma! Makes a "Ka Put..Ka PUUT sound when I give it gas!" Or...they get mixed up in terms. Crank over is one thing. Fire off and RUN is another. It's as if we're speaking two different languages. Where's a psychic when I need one to help diagnose problems. X-Ray vision would come in handy too.
The one that I like is "The mower runs but won't start".
I see you are a new member with hope to keep you here. Your question is on the generic side so I will give you that type of answer. It looks like you have a Husqvarna riding mower and by the title it looks like you think have a rear end problem because it not moving anymore. I will say the first thing I would check is the drive belt and drive belt pulleys. I don't know what drives the wheels but the next thing would be see if the axles are spinning and if they are check the keys that drive the wheels. If this is all good then you will need to take apart the rear end and check the differential gears and splines. If you come back with more of a description I am sure someone will help you.