Grass Whisperer,
That's another thing I've never experienced with my RSD. You may have hit on something for your Fastrak though. The Fastraks in the neighborhood, three of them. One on the opposite corner, a 2012 with the Honda engine, one around the corner, a 2009 with the Honda engine and a 2014 at the end of the second block with the FV691 Kawasaki all have issues with middle blade stragglers from time to time. We have discussed that and the quorum seems to be that it doesn't happen on every mow, it depends upon moisture, height of cut and land speed. I always laugh and tell them they are NOT moving fast enough to outrun the stragglers. lol
Anyhow, I wonder if the mulching device is what has given you the perfect cut. I can't find a thing wrong with my ole RSD other than the price on all mowers are ridiculously high for every mower out there. One thing to remember, the blade tip speed on both the RSD and Fastrak are the same, spindles are the same, blades are the same. If a deck is leaving stragglers, there can be many things causing it. I can't fault those Fastraks nor a RSD if that is happening until all avenues have been exhausted in the search for the problem. For the three owners, they don't seem to be upset enough to actually research their issue thus, they'll never know the whys or why nots and I'm not going to do it for them as they all would like. I would help them, but, not going to do it for them. It also goes back to not happening often for them of course.
My point is, if and when you try it without the mulching kit, let us know if the mower leaves stragglers and what you do to resolve the issue.
Thanks in advance,