Actually, the belt hitting the fan has happened even when the bolts were in place and tight on a few Raptor models. Usually chews up the inside and side of the belt and thus the belt either breaks or are lifted off the v-pulley.
Another thing that can and does happen with a few, very few as is the fan blade episodes is the deck belt making contact with the right side steering rod and the cure for that is to cable tie the steering rod about 3/4" over toward the right side frame. While you're under the mower, check to see if there is a bright spot on the right steering rod on the belt side.
I'd purchase grade eight bolts and take them to the dealer along with locking nuts and have them put the upgrade bolts on for you while they're being paid for the warranty labor. Worth your time and small amount of money to upgrade the bolts for longer, harder bolts along with locking nuts.
Good luck,
I have 60 inch SD model that started doing exactly that - tossing transmission belt off pulleys after 20-30 minutes of mowing.
I called dealer and they were adamant that transmission suspension hardware is missing or loose.
Also, I am not sure how tight that belt is supposed to be after installation. Long straight run of it, towards the rear, is pretty loose, flopping by hand, with tensioner fully engaged.
That said, after I read this post, fan on the left side does have nixes on blade outer edge. I contributed it to debris hitting it but am re thinking the idea now.
I have question.
Tech at dealer kept referring to checking on 4 tabs that hold transmission in place. What is that he means by tabs? Bolts and nuts?
I just did oil change in transaxles Monday, what was royal pita considering where the filler plugs are. Keeping that in mind, what is the easiest to get to transaxle mounting bolts? As it's all covered from the top, can't see squat. Do you happen to have schematic of where they are located? I actually have scissor lift that I can get mower on and up, so getting to anything from the bottom is easy.
Suggestions appreciated, thank you
Only 2 things cause a belt to come off. Bad alignment (tracking) and not enough tension, other tahn total failure but usually that is caused by the preceeding conditions.
OK, I think I found why mine keeps coming off.
Got rear end up and found that rear left hydro mount bolt is missing completely and rear right is loose and lower third of threads on, holding it head down, as it is in the mount, rubbed off. I'll stop by Home Depot get some automotive grade bolts and nuts. Also, week before, I had front right hydro bolt broken, replaced, and left front loose, tightened and locking washers added to both of them.
After two Hustlers, I have to grant them one thing - they use piece of crap bolts for sure. Soft and undoing themselves constantly.
That in mind, rea of the left hydro is surely tilted down, causing fans to hit the belt. And come off.
OK, I think I found why mine keeps coming off.
Got rear end up and found that rear left hydro mount bolt is missing completely and rear right is loose and lower third of threads on, holding it head down, as it is in the mount, rubbed off. I'll stop by Home Depot get some automotive grade bolts and nuts. Also, week before, I had front right hydro bolt broken, replaced, and left front loose, tightened and locking washers added to both of them.
After two Hustlers, I have to grant them one thing - they use piece of crap bolts for sure. Soft and undoing themselves constantly.
That in mind, rea of the left hydro is surely tilted down, causing fans to hit the belt. And come off.
Something you do want to check fairly often for loosening up are the 4 fender screws on each side. People have complained about the fenders breaking at the mounting areas. I've not had any problems, however, I check mine every other mowing or when I happen to walk by it. Fender washers will also help. I made a How To video for those that need a bit of help. Not that you would.
Run by my channel, Maxs Garaj Mahal, take a look.
Give me a thumbs up, hit the notification bell, please subscribe and share so i can continue making these videos to help others.
Thank in advance,
I've had my Raptor SD 54" for 3 years with no issues.
I've been off work for 4 months with a foot injury so our neighbor has been mowing our yard.
Yesterday the belt jumped off and he put it back on and tried to take off again then it broke the belt.
What would be first thing to look for? Bolts loose? Fan damaged?
Just going by what I've been reading as I am going to be unable to get down and check any of these things so I was going to pass the info I can find out to our neighbor who was using the mower.
Thanks for any help
Check for broken wheel motor brackets front and rear as well as loose bolts holding the wheel motors to the brackets.
We cover all kinds of these problems in the Hustler Mower Owner Group in facebook with photos and we have factory reps on board as well.
See you there.
Max's Garaj Mahal
I'm having this exact same issue after I broke a lower bolt holding the trans to the bracket. If I get into any load at all, the belt pops off. Looking from behind, I can see excessive camber on both wheels (leaning in at the top) and I believe that's my issue. The tips of the left fan blade show some odd melting wear so I ordered a new one. It's obvious that the bracket on the outer axles are bent. They are at slightly acute angles rather than right. A small triangle support between the two lower bolts would have kept that square. On this last pop-off the belt rested on the muffler and now it has a burn spot. I had gone from the 51" kevlar belt to a 50". It's harder to get the spring on, but I like this fit better. BTW, I use a double spring on mine. The original fits inside of the helper.Well, i found two sheared bolts underneath. Replaced those and thought i was in the clear. Cut grass for about 10 minutes and the belt popped off again. Now i'm not sure what's going on. Perhaps i stretched the spring too much that attaches to the tension pulley. I re-attached belt and tightened the bolt that holds tension pulley arm. I noticed that tension pulley and arm was dropping down a bit.
My thought now is to order a new spring for tension pulley. Any other thoughts?
I have to go look, but I don't think I have that brace. Any specifications on it? Looks like an piece of 2x2x0.250" angle would do nicely there.Yes make sure you have both of these braces and that the lower one is the upgraded version.
That will stop all the flexing which is causing your problems.
I also had a broken fender from this but did not know these braces were the problem.
Pictures would make this easier. Pictures with arrows pointing out each brace.Your problem is not the bolts. Those are a symptom of the hydro's moving around because of inadequate bracing.
With the 2 braces installed the factory bolts are just fine. I am running all the original bolts because I caught the problem early.
I never even had to tighten them nor put lock-tite on them.
Brace 1 is the big black one on the bottom. I think this one is mandatory.
Brace 2 is the thin yellow one up higher and facing towards the back of the machine.
I guess Hustler does not consider it a brace since they call it a clutch cover but you can see that is does add additional bracing.
Sorry my picture was not labeled.
See if this makes more sense?
Where are my manners? Thank you! Again, that really, really helped. I had no idea that the bracket everyone was talking about was on the front of the transaxles.Sorry my picture was not labeled.
See if this makes more sense?
I just got the SD60 on clearance from Lowes, jumped on this forum and saw this thread. I don't have these braces, was anyone here able to get them installed under warranty from a local shop even though you bought it from Lowes?
We have factory reps in the Hustler Mower Owners Group in Facebook that can give you direct replies as well as help you get warranty service in the event your dealership is not taking care of your properly.
Here is the link to the Hustler Mower Owners Group in Facebook.
I just got the SD60 on clearance from Lowes, jumped on this forum and saw this thread. I don't have these braces, was anyone here able to get them installed under warranty from a local shop even though you bought it from Lowes?
Lowes make a 100% profit selling the mower to you even at clearance prices and to top it off they don't pay for floor stock
The dealer makes a 30% selling to you at a higher price and has to pay for the stock if he has not sold it before the free finance period expires , usually 30 to 90 days. So the dealer will not want to support the person who is trying to put him out of business.
Most warranty jobs are actually done at a loss so do not expect the local dealer to jump to attentions & salute you when you walk in.
Down here usually a warranty job for a big box bought mower gets done when there is absolutely nothing in the workshop thus used to reduce the losses of having nothing for the technicians to do.
Thus you are unlikely to be happy and neither will the dealer.
You have effectivly spat in his face and now you are asking him to wipe your bum.
There are shops who have their workshop set up so efficiently that they can make a profit on warranty work, but these are few & very far between.
Some dealers will do the work in order to get your details on their books but a lot of these are run by accountants and they just want a big customer profile to on sell the agency at a big profit.
I am an independent workshop and end up doing a lot of what should be warranty work but the customer pays me for doing it.
IF the distributor ends up paying me then the customer ends up getting whatever the distributor paid me back in cash where as I get paid in purchase credits.
Most of them can not believe how little the amount I get paid is and just how long it took for them to pay me.
Now I know this is a bitter pill for many who just wanted to get a good purchase price but there is a reason that thieves like Lowes can offer such good prices and they are destroying your country, just like their equivalent down here Bunnings is destroying Australia.
I really was not trying to be insulting but there is a consequence every time some one opens their wallet.
Lowers are effectivly stealing from the dealers who have to cover the very expensive workshop overheads.
The ultimate end result is no workshops so when you have a problem it goes back to the distributor / factory and months latter you get a repair/ replacement or refund.
The minimal cost retailing cost jobs and destroys economies.
The dealer, his staff & technicians all have to eat as well as your family, as dose the landlord, the parts suppliers, delivery drivers etc etc etc.
And in may cases more than one of them will also contribute to your income in one way or another.
I like saving money just as much as the next man but I have seen the sorts of destruction cut price no service retailing does.
Parrsites like Lowes will only stock the fastest moving highest profit machines so when the dealers go, so does the variety and your ability to choose the correct machine for your needs.
If you need a $ 12,000 mower then you must either be on an income that could easily afford the extra $ 1000 or you are living way above your means.
My fathers first powered mower cost him near 6 months wages and was paid off over 3 years.
For that price the retailer delivered the mower, set it up in out yard & gave both dad & myself instruction on how to use & care for the mower.
He also took away the packaging which went back to Victa to be reused .
We still have the mower although we don't still have dad & my sister still uses it
I could save at least $ 50 a week if I drove into the city and bought my groceries from the big glass front supermarket But I go to the local shop that employs the local kids after school, donates to the local school & charities and allows staff to go off on full pay to fight bushfires, thus every body wins, including me as the boys have put out several grassfires that could have caused me grief and of course they bring their mowers to me ( or my local competitor ) for servicing.
The incredible greed that has become so pervasive over the past few decades is really quite sickening. Everybody wants the absolute cheapest for themselves regardless of the consequences then expects others to come to their aid when needed let alone to actually be there when needed.
Fortunately we mostly have a community that cares and looks out for each other , so gates do not need to be locked and help is always available and that is worth a whole lot more than saving 10% on a once in 10 year purchase.
And to really push the point.
The problem with the supports has been on here for nearly a year , if not longer so Hustler are well aware of it and Lowes are well aware of it.
Did the sales person at Lowes mention it to you ?
Why ?
Because they don't give a wrinkled rats rectum about you or the mower all they want is your money and if you end up needing to buy a $ 70 belt every time you mow then all the more profit for them.
They sold you a know defective mower and laughed about it all the way to the bank safe in the knowledge that if you get into problems with your new mower some one else will be getting the grief over it.
2 phreakin' phunni!!! Don't take it too personally. There's a lot of resentment from small brick and mortar towards big box stores, but that's really not your problem. Efficiency is the key, and shops that are too lazy to not invest in efficiency will always try to blame the consumer. Perhaps, they should find a better product. There used to be a strictly controlled, albeit self controlled, pricing hierarchy that the internet has dismantled. When I first got into automotive it looked like this: Manufacturer => Distributor => Jobber => Retailer. The jobber was the first to go, soon followed by the distributor and even now some manufacturers have set themselves up as retailers. Then you add people like myself who do a cottage industry for my neighbors in fixing their machines for free and it gets even worse. Add in grey/black market goods via e-bay and craigslist and it's hard for some shops to stay in business. But everything is harder nowadays, so they have to put on their big boy pants and suck it up. Smart shops evolve and learn how to survive in spite of the pressures. Excellent customer service, value added services/products and so forth help the consumer to spend a bit more to patronize them. I haven't had any warranty work done at my local shop mainly because they would take too long. I do the work myself and gladly pay for the parts. We all do what we have to do, to get by.vanhanz said:I honestly didn’t realize I was such a horrible person by not paying the much higher price.
Stealing is a complete misrepresentation. They do have a different business model than you do. You're always free to vote with your feet and sell another brand that will support you better.Lowers are effectivly stealing from the dealers who have to cover the very expensive workshop overheads.
The guy who sold me my mower at Lowes was a dear friend and he had no idea about the belt issue. Since they don't have a shop, why or even how would they know? Other than me, not a single customer has complained to him about it either. He has offered to call the company on my behalf, but I have taken the task of resolving this issue on my own.The problem with the supports has been on here for nearly a year , if not longer so Hustler are well aware of it and Lowes are well aware of it.
Did the sales person at Lowes mention it to you ?
Why ?
I actually fault Hustler for this. I doubt I will buy another one. I plan to spend double what I spent on my Raptor SD, maybe even triple. Mowing my ten point eight two acres is far more of a headache than it should be. Mow and learn.They sold you a know defective mower and laughed about it all the way to the bank safe in the knowledge that if you get into problems with your new mower some one else will be getting the grief over it.
Firstly i do not retail at al I have a repair only business and stealing IS an Appropriate word to describe this immoral business plan.Stealing is a complete misrepresentation. They do have a different business model than you do. You're always free to vote with your feet and sell another brand that will support you better.
"Technically", it's called capitalism and it's designed so that only the strong will survive. You either evolve or go extinct and it's entirely up to you. I'm not guaranteed any happiness; only the right to pursue it. Consequently, I've re-invented myself at least a half dozen times and for the most part, I'm pretty happy. In any event, if what they're doing is illegal, then by all means bring them up on charges. You'll have to convince the prosecutor that it's illegal and I doubt they'll agree with you. Of course, you could take them to civil court, but you should consult an attorney on the merits of your case first. Of course, attorneys always come out ahead even if you lose, so don't take their opinion at face value. Good luck!Technically it is called SKIMMING and is technically ILLEGAL both down here and up there .
"Technically", it's called capitalism and it's designed so that only the strong will survive. You either evolve or go extinct and it's entirely up to you. I'm not guaranteed any happiness; only the right to pursue it. Consequently, I've re-invented myself at least a half dozen times and for the most part, I'm pretty happy. In any event, if what they're doing is illegal, then by all means bring them up on charges. You'll have to convince the prosecutor that it's illegal and I doubt they'll agree with you. Of course, you could take them to civil court, but you should consult an attorney on the merits of your case first. Of course, attorneys always come out ahead even if you lose, so don't take their opinion at face value. Good luck!
Hey Guys, turns out I had the beefed up brace all along! WHOOPS! In the pictures on this forum it was black and mine is yellow so no need for service. Didn't mean to cause so much passionate discussion. Maybe we can all save the world one mower at a time... I'll just see myself out...
The fewer the regulations the better. Better for the consumer and better for the business. i don't need or want to support someone's inefficiencies. Scuba diving in the US is mostly a self-regulated industry. Sure, there's a lot of blamestorming when a business fails, but it's back to someone's desire to not change that's at the root of it. I cornered a very small market in that I own the world's largest web site devoted to diving. But hey, some upstart created Facebook and now I'm scrambling to stay afloat. Personally, I would love to see Facebook dismantled, but it's not fair to them. ScubaBoard led to the demise of more than a few Scuba magazines, and now I may be replaced by FB. It's part and parcel of having a robust capitalistic society and yes, greed (as you call it) is a driving force to succeed and make it rich.And like any other system, capitalism needs to be strongly regulated or you end up with monopolies or duopolies that become "too big to be allowed to fail" to quote a previous President of the USA.
The fewer, the better. Regulations have a high cost and that should be considered.It is going to depend upon how you see regulations.
You've gone on and on and have yet to show how this is illegal, much less immoral or unethical. Caveat emptor. If you don't like how the big stores do business, don't buy there. Your not liking it, does not make it illegal. Having worked in automotive for most of my life, I'm used to doing warranty work at a reduced price. Having worked for Goodyear for a number of years, I also dealt with "National Accounts", which were also done at a discounted rate. None of this is illegal or unethical. Great repairmen are often horrible business men. They go into business with a hope and not a plan to succeed. Of course, they are quick to blame the big box stores, when they should be blaming themselves. Just like diving, you have to both know and honor your limits. Others can't do it for you: it's up to you.Lowes can sell mowers, and provide no customer service and bear no cost of the customer service.
Even worse is that warranty work is alwaysa done at a lower rate than repair work and generally a dealer makes a substantial loss on providing a service to some one elses customer that they have neither a moral nor financial obligation to provide.
Buy locking washers and place them between nut and frame.
It's my second Hustler and I must say, that their bolts are not worth a dime. First one, I had 54 inch deck Hustler. That literally started falling apart on deck suspension bolts after 30 hrs of use. Snapped bolts, "locking" nuts going loose. So I sold it and now have 60 inch SD and, this weekend, found snapped engine guard bolt and guard rattling as the result.
If I were you, crucial components, I'd have ditched their bolts and replaced them with automotive grade ones, with locking washers. On my deck height adjustment bolts, I even added 2nd locking nut on top of the OEM nut. In this manner, double nutted, there is no way it will go loose. Prolly will snap eventually.
Fabrication by numbers, that drove GM into bailout, is what is causing all this. We do not have quality fabrication anymore, we have just adequate one. Same principle, when applied to healthcare in late 80s, resulted in what we have now there.
If the fan is loose then it is brokenSo, I checked the bolts, everything is find for mine, but this fan just sits on the belt and knocks it off immediately once i start it. Can anyone tell me what’s going on? Nothing is bent or missing.
We still have the old LT1000 Craftsman and I am happy not to have traded it of when the Raptor 54sd was purchased. Other than a drive and deck belt no issues. Even spindles are original.Well duh, my deck came off and into the ground too. Spring time. That's why I have suspension bolts double nutted now.
If you read my post carefully, it's 2nd Hustler I have and that's how they are made, apparently. We got what we paid for. I am all for fixing it and ridding of it and finding something more reliable. Figure, ways of Husqvarna about the only choice. What gets me is my 2005 42 inch Craftsman riding mower keeps chugging along like it is not 13 years old.
I'll follow after I check on transaxles suspension. Also, I start thinking about adding L shaped brackets to prevent belt from flopping down onto cooling fans. Possibly even re routing tensioner spring, as should you pay attention to its direction, it forces tensioner roller into the main drive pulley. I already tried forcing and locking it in more tension position, but that resulted in belt friction noise. Had to back it up some.
Hmm.. Maybe even adding a second tensioner roller on that long loose belt run....
And by the way. Replacing that belt is PAIN, as you have to remove main belt. Then try putting its tensioner back on!! I had to winch it on.
The bolt and nut set up from the factory has a self locking design that digs in past the paint anyway. The ridges under the bolt head flange and on the nut cut in to the metal.Biting into paint? Is that a Mercedes or Jaguar or Lexus to be worried about this? Paint is peeling off Hustler decks like wet leaf off butt, when it dries. Rock chips all over everywhere. Why would I be worried with a small paint nick that no one will see anyway? As it's under the deck/frame? Heck, if that's concern, place flat washer over locking washer, to save paint. Will still hold nut or bolt head in place.
The supposed new brackets I received looked just like the old brackets.Headed to the dealer next week for more repairs related to the frame cracked and broken along with the gas tank side fender. Bought a 125 Kubota today so my headache is soon to be over. After warranty work it will sit at the dealers under consignment. Dealer was not interested in trading the unit towards new Kubota.I have repaired several axle mount issues on the raptors and the SD models. 60 inch SD had to go as far as making new twice as thick angle brackets. Materials are to thin for the stress they are subjected to. Definitely use grade 8 bolts.
Transmission cross brase is to weak on Hustler Raptor 54 inch SD model that i bought 2yrs ago. 100 hrs on it and it keeps losing drive belt dealer told me they fixed problem cracked where transmissions bolt on. Tomorrow will be 4th trip to dealer with this same problem.New to the forum but found it trying to find any solution to my problem.
I have a Raptor SD that is about 6 months old with 50 hours on it.
Last week my drive belt came off. On close inspection realized the bolt that holds the transmission to the frame had come off on the left side and the right side lock nut was loose as well. It happened when I was going down a slope and I assume when that bolt came off it allowed the fan to hit the belt to pop it off.
I replaced the left bolt, tightened the right bolt and all was well until I was almost done with my 4 acres yesterday and the belt popped off again on a slope but the bolts were secure.
I am wondering that belt hitting the plastic fan blade (it has some nicks on it) is now messed up the fan blade making it too close to the belt.
I plan on hauling it back to the dealer at the end of the week for them to fix it but I am wondering have other owners had this issue and is the only solution to constantly monitor the bolts and nuts?
Yes, the O.E.M. crossbrace is thin and weak. They have an improved crossbrace that is thicker and a lot better. Get one of them, use grade 8 bolts with plasti-lock nuts and use blue Loctite also. Also check the front and rear trans brackets that bolt to the frame, they break the ears off that the trans mounts too, often also.Transmission cross brase is to weak on Hustler Raptor 54 inch SD model that i bought 2yrs ago. 100 hrs on it and it keeps losing drive belt dealer told me they fixed problem cracked where transmissions bolt on. Tomorrow will be 4th trip to dealer with this same problem.