I already have a full time job with a lawn care company but looking to make extra money by offering a 'push mow only' lawn service. I'll be going on my sixth year as a landscaper/mower and have plenty of experience mowing.
I don't have a lot of money to buy nice equipment. So I thought I could appeal to a certain customer base by doing a push mow only service.
I know some people do not like having the heavier mowers because they can leave ruts and most operators, atleast in my experience, never fully pick up how mow a yard without tearing up grass on turns and sharp corners leaving the yard tore up at the end of the year after going over it week after week.
I not only hope to keep cost down but I think it sounds better to customers who think I chose to do push mow only service because I want to accommodate them instead of a broke guy out there trying to make a few extra dollars.
What I was wanting help with is how should I advertise it to people? How do I convince them what I'm doing is better? How do I get that across on a flier with writing out a hundred words? Also, should I mention other types of work I could like trimming bushes or should I just focus on mowing to bring customers in and go from there?