Proper dual blade installation on this Honda mower, and a few other questions.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2014
  • / Proper dual blade installation on this Honda mower, and a few other questions.
Re: Thank you, Robert.

Your specific mower was never tested with MicroCut blades, so the engineers did not approve them for use with your exact mower. FYI, later versions of the HRR models (with a "9" in the model name) were updated to use the MicroCut blades. Unofficially, they would probably work just fine with your older HRR model, but again, not technically approved by Honda.

Direct from Honda, the blades meet all the production specs and quality control checks. While a pro could easily make them "more sharp" that won't necessarily improve cut or finish performance. Remember, too sharp and the blades will get dull very fast. Too dull and cut quality will suffer. The factory edge is the best compromise between quality and sharpening interval.

Honda mowers do not have model years, but use a code called a K-number to designate running changes. Your mower is a "K7" and is currently at the "K9" version. Honda does not always include the K-number in all ad, print, and web names. The K-number is more for Honda internal use, and you should use the frame serial number to locate any parts, service, documents, etc. for your exact model.

Should be correct, if I'm reading your serial number right. Double-check and you'll see a link that has a manual for your serial number.

There is a full blade remove / install procedure with illustrations in every Honda mower manual. Shop manuals have more details, but the basic procedure is always there.

Thank you. Since you term those MicroCut blades as an "update", and another member here prefers them, I'd like to try them.

• Are the MicroCut twin blades available from Home Depot or Orchard Supply Hardware, and if so, what are the part numbers ?

• A threshold question is: Will the use of Honda's MicroCut blades VOID the mower's warranty ?

I couldn't find a blade diagram in the product literature accompanying my new mower, so your diagram was very useful.

Nice to know about this model number coding, but for the consumer this letter inserting only gives confusion. Suggest that Honda either disclose to the consumer this date code or revision nomenclature, or disclose to the consumer to ignore the extra character and/or relabel their products to have a separate date code, leaving model numbers identical. Another way to better handle this confusing point is to indicate in your manual "If your model number starts with HRR216 and ends with VKA, then ……… ". Ignorant consumers look for exact model number matches, and will not always forgive an extra unexplained letter or number.

• How does a homeowner know when the blades need sharpening ? The smooth to ragged edge of the cut grass ? Feeling the blade edge with the finger ?


Lawn Addict
Nov 2, 2011
  • / Proper dual blade installation on this Honda mower, and a few other questions.
Re: Thank you, Robert.

Thank you. Since you term those MicroCut blades as an "update", and another member here prefers them, I'd like to try them.
Are the MicroCut twin blades available from Home Depot or Orchard Supply Hardware, and if so, what are the part numbers ?

Here are the part numbers for the K9 version of your mower:
Lower: 72511-VL0-S00
Upper: 72531-VH7-000

I think Home Depot sells these together as a set, but not 100% sure of that. If Orchard Supply Hardware is an authorized Honda Dealer, they can get the blades. Google any part number to find a Honda Dealer selling it online, or use this link to find a Honda Dealer in your area: Find A Honda Dealer

A threshold question is: Will the use of Honda's MicroCut blades VOID the mower's warranty ?
Your warranty will remain intact no matter what; it can't be "voided." However, if the use of incorrect parts is determined to be the cause of a problem or failure, Honda will not pay for warranty repairs to fix that specific problem. The warranty only covers factory defects.

How does a homeowner know when the blades need sharpening ? The smooth to ragged edge of the cut grass ? Feeling the blade edge with the finger ?
In the owner's manual is an illustration showing what to look for when inspecting the blades. Over time, you'll learn to recognize dull blades from the finish quality of your lawn. Depending on how much the mower is used each year, a lot of customers elect to have the blades sharpened before the mowing season starts. This may be too frequent or too little for your lawn.

Do NOT use your hands or bare fingers to inspect or test a blade. Always wear heavy gloves when working around the blades to protect your hands.

You can learn a lot more by reading the owner's manual; it has many more details on how to get the best results from your mower, while safely operating it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2014
  • / Proper dual blade installation on this Honda mower, and a few other questions.
Microcut vs. Quadracut

The micro cut are the offset blades and quadracut are the stacked blades swing by home depot pick up a box 30$ says they are for the hrx but I've used them for a long time no issues. There is only one piece of sheet metal like mentioned before tip the mower down carb up. Get leather gloves manually spin the blades see if it touches anything. Wiggle the sheet metal see if it moves at a if so there will be a empty screw hole

Have you found the Microcuts to be better than the Quadracut blades, and if so, why do you prefer one over the other ? Micro = $30 and Quad = $22.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2014
  • / Proper dual blade installation on this Honda mower, and a few other questions.
Your mower (HRR2167VKA) uses QuadraCut blades; MicroCut blades are similar, but not approved by Honda for use on your mower. Honda recommends using only the correct blades for your mower, period.

Be sure to use a torque wrench when tightening blade bolts; they are structurally part of the mower, and too tight will strain parts, too loose, and, well, we don't want too loose either.

The part numbers are:
Upper Blade 72531-VE2-020
Lower Blade 72511-VE1-020

Bolts are 90105-960-710 (need 2)
Special Washers are 90502-VG3-000 (need 2)

By using the correct blades, you don't have to worry about impact, rubbing or fit. This assumes you do not have any damage to the deck that would cause interference.

Google any part number to find a Honda Dealer selling it online, or use this link to find a Honda Dealer in your area: Find A Honda Dealer

Ooops. Looks like I messed up. I purposely purchased a set of Quadracut blades thinking they were different from the factory-installed. Looks like in error I purchased the "proper" blades but your numbers listed above are NOT on the box. This new box has 08720-VE2-001 and SKU 136-418 and UPC 844053009753. Are these the Honda factory recommended blades for my mower ?

Robert, I'd like to try the more expensive Microcut blades. How are Microcut's different from Quad's ? Do the Quads cut cleaner ? Why are Quads less expensive ? Why don't the newer mowers use Quads ?


Lawn Addict
Jun 24, 2012
  • / Proper dual blade installation on this Honda mower, and a few other questions.
The microcut is soooooooo much better than quadrant cut.... There is simply no competition like a race between a snail and a dodge viper....


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2014
  • / Proper dual blade installation on this Honda mower, and a few other questions.
The microcut is soooooooo much better than quadrant cut.... There is simply no competition like a race between a snail and a dodge viper....

Okay, but what makes it much better ? Wear ? Cutting ability ? Less noise ? Is it worth $8 more ?

Is the Microcut the recommended blade for your model ?


Lawn Addict
Jun 24, 2012
  • / Proper dual blade installation on this Honda mower, and a few other questions.
Mulching with it is the big difference doesn't leave grass clippings. It's also better at bagging. The cut quality is much nicer and the cutting blade can be sharpened more times


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2014
  • / Proper dual blade installation on this Honda mower, and a few other questions.
Mulching with it is the big difference doesn't leave grass clippings. It's also better at bagging. The cut quality is much nicer and the cutting blade can be sharpened more times

Thank you. Don't understand the first sentence. I don't mulch.

Have you used this blade in a model in which Honda does not recommend it ?


Lawn Addict
Jun 24, 2012
  • / Proper dual blade installation on this Honda mower, and a few other questions.
Ya its not recommended for my hrr but I use them anyway.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2014
  • / Proper dual blade installation on this Honda mower, and a few other questions.
Ya its not recommended for my hrr but I use them anyway.

So no problems from using these non-recommended blades ?

Will their use void any warranty you have ?

How do you sharpen those blades ?