We totally rely on chemicals today
Yes we do... and with fewer and fewer farms, producing more and more product... we have to be dependent on a LOT of crop management.
It is not the the same demand as it use to be... today you must get the maximum production from your acreage, Farms must streamline and improve methods of production, a large part of that is chemical.
There are abuses of chemical use but it typically is not by large producers... it is usually the individual that figures "if a little is good a lot must be better' or someone that figures if a herbicide is OK their special blend of several will be better. You can not do that on a large scale. Too costly.
The difference between producing a crop, and planting a garden is not just the increase in scale... to plant and bring in a thousand acres of wheat or beans will take the most efficient means available... you must be able to control every aspect possible... some day possibly even the weather. I sometimes wonder if someone is not already attempting to learn how control the weather. KennyV