Our road side stand is doing fantastic. People stop and are buying things from our garden and such so this greenhouse idea may very well take off. I'm impressed.
That's fantastic! I have thought about doing that when I split my plants in the spring but figured no one will stop, maybe I will try it next year as a test, it's not like I'd be out anything.
I always try to stop at the road side spots...
They usually have nicer produce and I always look for unusual varieties that you can not locate at the typical grocers ... :smile:KennyV
Our road side stand is doing fantastic. People stop and are buying things from our garden and such so this greenhouse idea may very well take off. I'm impressed.
Congratulations...small businesses such as yours are something I admire...we always have a lot of surplus from our garden, and my neighbors get some of it, and they tell us to set up a stand out front. However, my township (rural) is money hungry and odds are I would need a permit to build a stand, pay for licenses, inspections, and most likely end up with more headaches than the income was worth. :confused2:
I have always thought that would be a good business to get into! My garden has had an overabundance this year too. I am looking into getting a stall at my local farmers market, but I am not sure how much it will cost.
I'm fairly new here and I haven't had an issue yet, I would love to find local markets, etc as well, that may be a winter project for my wife, look them up and contact them and see what costs would be.
I so prefer to stop at the roadside stands rather than the grocery store. I always worry where the food actually comes from in the grocery stores. I know that a couple of the stores now list which produce is local and which farms it comes from, I just think roadside stands are far more cost effective.
I prefer to buy from local farmers during the harvesting season and stop at roadside stands whenever I see one if I'm not getting my produce from my own garden. I think roadside stands do very well in this area, and in most areas.
Our county has a 'Local Farmer's Market" in Summer and Fall every weekend ! A great variety and all fresh, including baked goods, beef, pork, lamb, produce and more! :thumbsup:
On the down side S 510 (Government control) will be attempting to regulate all that. :thumbdown:
Anything to kill private enterprise and small farms. :frown:
Yes, I will be interested to see what effects if any the passage of S 510 have. I love purchasing my produce from local farmers and we have even been considering buying a half of a cow and a pig locally.
I don't think many are going to fall into the over $500,000 in sales ... those that do should be creative enough to figure how to avoid that limit... :smile:KennyV
Buying your meat from local sources is a good choice. The taste is a lot different than the meat you buy at a store, and it's no doubt healthier and more nutritious.
I am one of those that can't pass a road side produce stand without stopping for something. I love the tangerines, strawberries and such I get.
Just one place for information - as I understand it there will be many regulations on anyone who intends to sell food products - Safety yes, but the small farms and local business is not where the problems have been. -- check it out for yourself and you decide.