I am hoping to share my expertise which I have gained from working on small engines as others need it and look forward to learning from others expertise when working on my projects.
I picked a Troy Bilt 675 Series Self propelled mower, Problem is you have to be a track star to keep up with it's pace/speed. It travels so fast I can't cut a straight path. I'm sure my neighbors get a kick out of watching me, I would think it was pretty funny if I was watching them.
Thinking out of the square and mainly because we don't get that model, down here.
Have you considered a sulky or a roller with a seat.
Idf the extra weight does not slow it down, at least you won't be run off you feet keeping up with it.
675 series is a 21 inch self propelled mower. Sulky wouldn't work very well with it due to lack of traction.
Thanks I'm open to all options.
I have used a Velcro strap to limit the self propel engagement with some success, but it won't propel at all when I go the the longer front lawn.
Could you post a picture of the mower so I can determine which type of drive system you have?
Each wheel has a pinion gear the inside of the wheel,the inside of the wheel is a straight Rack Rack & Pinion this engagement is what propels the wheels
LawnWorld is a real nice site I wish I could find a automobile repair site this good>
Pulleys will have to be changed if you want it to go slower. Or you could put on a set of worn out drive wheels with all the tread gone to reduce traction.
I'm going to move this thread over to our Troy-Bilt section. :smile:
Any chance the engine speed is set too high? Shouldn't be going faster than 2800-3000 RPM.
Hasn't it got a cable adjustment, back it off a few turns...!
Great answer I will leave subject alone.
I would think when the mower was made it would be a single speed just to keep the cost down for a residential mower. You might be better off to maybe look at some commercial mowers.