Hello all. I hope someone can help me. I have a 2005 Troybilt riding mower that started blowing white smoke and oil dripping from the muffler. It chokes itself out when it tries to start. :confused2: I checked the oil level and it has gas in it and is way higher than it should be. I drained the oil/gas down and it starts fine and runs for about 40 secondes, then starts blowing white smoke and choking out again. I had a truck once that did this and it was a bad fuel regulator. My neighbor thinks it could be the rings. What do ya'll think. Any ideas would be helpful.
:laughing: That sounds like a good possibility. The engine is definitely over filled with gas. I will try this just as soon as I can. And thanks for the reply. I also have a Murray push lawn mower that I have cleaned the carberator and done everything I can do, but it acts like it isn't getting any fuel. Ironic huh...one doesn't get any and the other is drownding in fuel. lol. It runs when I spray starter flued in the carb but cuts off as soon as I stop. The fuel tank is full but I think the pump might not be creating a suction or something. It pushes air but its not sucking fuel.
You will get it, I'm sure:thumbsup:...
Post that other one in the Murray forum ... It may help someone else with that same trouble & it'll save Briana having to move it... :smile:KennyV
Thanks for looking out KennyV, but I'm moving this thread to the Troy-Bilt section for good measure. :wink:
Thanks for joining St8shooter!!
Thanks again KennyV and thank you too Briana
Thanks... I will try that if I can't get it to work right. I just had my wife's old 12 horsepower Craftsman start doing the same thing. I emptied the bowl and saturated the carberator with carb cleaner and that helped it enough to cut the grass but its still running rough. I figured I would re-clean everything again if it doesn't clear up with carb cleaner in the gas on this next run. If it does, I plan to do the same to my TroyBilt. Thanks for your suggestion.:thumbsup:
Almost certainly the main jet. If this is a model with an electric fuel solenoid check that first. Gas now goes bad in a couple weeks and gums up the plunger in this thing. Half inch open end wrench very thin to remove. Also, it holds on the float bowl. If that's ok go to the main jet. What's happening in the jet is being stuck open and fuel is being sucked into the engine after shutdown filling the combustion chamber and eventually the crankcase. If there's enough fuel.
I almost always install a cheap in line shut off with this problem. Not to cure it but to prevent it. Seems to come back even after you fix the problem. Cheap insurance.
How would a bad head gasket have anything to do with gas running into the engine?? Just curious on this one? Just my thought on it would be float or neetle valve but who knows I have been wrong before.
Make sure you drain out that oil before you run it again, I understood you to say you drained it to the correct level, it will keep smoking until you get the gas out of the crankcase and fresh oil.