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New to the forum



little mower boy

Hey all, im new to the forums. First off i would like to say im a teenager, trying to earn some income. So for the past few summers i have been mowing a few of my neighbors lawns. One lawn i mow, is a decent sized yard, (maybe 16, of an acre) decent sized compared to mine. Anyways last summer, i bought a simplicity 12.5hp riding mower from my other neighbor for $300. Actually a really good deal, it was and still is in good shape. Today (im prepping for the long summer months ahead) I put new SAE 5W30 synthetic oil in it, cleaned the air filter and thats pretty much it. I will sharpen the blade pretty soon as well. But what occupied most of my day was my "trailer" project. Which is simply a old radio flyer wagon now with a peice of ox board on it (which made it to where i can fit more stuff on it). I had all the stuff lying around, so i used it. I got wood glue, and some screws and i bolted it right on top of the wagon frame. At first it didnt work, but then i put new glue, and screws as a reenforcement. And then i went and tried it, well i pulled it around seeing of that flat bed i build, stayed on the wagon's frame, which it did. In the beginning it didnt though so i had to go back to step one lol.

Anyways i would love to here some of your stories about anything to do with lawn mowing.




Welcome to this usually, good Forum...
We definitely need young blood in this mix, ...
Good luck with your wagon mod I have never had much luck building anything with ox board... Looking forward to your posts ... :smile:KennyV




Post some pics when you get a chance.:thumbsup:




Welcome ! I hope you enjoy the Forum and it is good to see some young people who will actually work !

Hey all, im new to the forums. First off i would like to say im a teenager, trying to earn some income. So for the past few summers i have been mowing a few of my neighbors lawns. One lawn i mow, is a decent sized yard, (maybe 16, of an acre) Is that 1/16 of an acre ? decent sized compared to mine.




Welcome to LMF! :biggrin:

I think you'll have fun here. :wink:



little mower boy

Thanks for the warm welcome! And ya, in like a few months ill be 16, and as of now i might have something to drive, but not for good. But for the time being i will have to pay for has and insurance on the vehicle. Which is fair enough. So i need money for that especially, and for some of my hobbies, which sadly arent cheap. And how do you post pics?




This thread brings back memories. Of all the jobs I had as a teenager mowing was the most lucrative. I did a lot of mowing this past weekend and, as I mowed, I thought of those days of actually being paid to mow. One thing that comes to mind is that the distinction between an OK job and a very good job is in the trimming and cleanup. That's what makes your client list grow -- and allows you to charge more.:wink:

To post a picture that's on your computer click on "Manage Attachments" below the dialog box where you type in the comments.

Good luck with your business and welcome.
