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New Iowa member




I am very happy so far with my Hustler Raptor SD 54" (model 932558) purchased 07/07/2015. Hope it was a lucky day. My yard slopes 4-5 degrees with a single mower width strip at the bottom of almost 15 degrees, bordered by a neighbor's chain link fence on my trim side. It is pretty easy to control as I turn up hill after mowing this strip. I used a friend's MoJack EZ yesterday, like it a lot while knocking the excess grass out from under mower deck and am trying to decide between the 2 MoJack products: the MoJack ZR Lawn Tractor Lift model 35301 (scissor lift) vs. the MoJack EZ Mower Lift model #MJEZ (screw lift) MoJackEZdeckclean.png
Any thoughts about pro's and con's of these 2 lift models? Ron in Iowa



mechanic mark

Read reviews of each jack.




Hi, Ron. Welcome to the forum! :welcome:

I'm going to move you thread on over to the buying and pricing section to see if we can get you some more advice.




Hi new Iowa member and Welcome to LMF! :thumbsup:




Welcome to the forum.

All I can see is that the EZ has a little larger weight capacity. I'd say either would be fine.

I have not used one but plan to purchase myself. Around here we have Harbor Freight, and although some of their tools are not the toughest, I've heard several people say they have their mower lift, and it works well. It's only 99.00 I will link it for comparison.

High Lift Riding Lawn Mower / ATV Lift




I just take my deck off. So much faster then getting the lift out. Putting it under the tires. Then putting it away again.
Also makes it easier to inspect the pulleys. And no laying on your back to Chang the blades.




Welcome to the forum.

All I can see is that the EZ has a little larger weight capacity. I'd say either would be fine.

I have not used one but plan to purchase myself. Around here we have Harbor Freight, and although some of their tools are not the toughest, I've heard several people say they have their mower lift, and it works well. It's only 99.00 I will link it for comparison.

High Lift Riding Lawn Mower / ATV Lift

Thanks to all for the input. I ended up ordering the 450lbs-rated (overkill, I know) MoJack EZ Max Mower Lift from Rural King (no sales tax to me, free shipping) for $179
