They may be hard indeed - but if they are bent, and yoiu clamp them in a vise just below the bend, and whack it with a maul - does it immediately bend? Or does it spring back? :wink:
That's why mower blades are nearly impossible to straighten........and heat wrecks them. (heat wrecks spring steel, too)
It has been so long since I have bent a blade (over 30 years for sure)... I don't recall ever trying to bend one back... I am sure I have some old ones around... I'll have to try... I have welded things back using old mower blades as scrap gusseting material...
If I find an old flat one I will try... I suspect it will NOT bend ...
The cylinder mower blade that LandN was asking about are Reel mower blades... I've never bent one of those but I have chipped some, they are hard... :smile:KennyV