I'm having a difficult time trying to decide which more to move up to. I currently have a Craftsman 700 series walk behind which was purchased a few years ago for my old house. To be honest my mower is a piece of junk - it can't mulch any length of grass without clumping and grass is constantly getting stuck everywhere.
My new lot is only .4 acres (including the additional 20x94 feet I can mow into the green belt behind my house). The basement is 1/2 exposed so there are half story hills on either side. All included it probably takes me a good 2+ hours to mow, trim, and get everything cleaned up (not including myself). This is best case however since this mower doesn't mulch well I usually have to bag which takes even longer and leaves me with a trip to the city compost pile on the weekend.
So my lot is definitely too small to turn a tractor, especially with all the corners on the house and probable fence in the future. A ZTR, while I believe it would work well, still seems a bit ridiculous. The wife wants me to cut down the mow time so I can help more with the three young ones all under the age of 2 :/
Here's what I have looked at so far:
- Toro Time Cutter 30 inch walk behind
Not really thrilled about this but it is cheaper than ZTRs. I'm sure it will mulch better than the craftsman.
- Toro Time Cutter SS 42
This is probably the right size for ZTR however I'm not sure about the Kohler engine, stamped deck, and non-maintainable transmission. I also haven't seen anything listing the BTS.
- Hustler Raptor 42
Looks like a possible option but the BTS is relatively low and the nearest dealer is 40 miles away.
- Ariens Zoom 42
Jury is still out on this one. Seems about on par with the Toro SS
What else should I be looking at?
Would be nice to keep this at 2500 or less although I am not the type of person that would be penny wise and pound foolish. I also need to consider that this is a small lot so there won't be a ton of hours logged. If my stamped deck gets a hole in 8 years it might be more cost effective to replace the stamped deck vs upgrade to something that has a welded deck. I suppose this could be the case with transmission as well?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
if you are going purely on price, the 30 inch walk behind is a no brainer... I am not sure how much time you will save although I am sure your quality of cut will improve. For whats is worth, my lot is not much bigger, and I cut it with a 38 inch ztr, this is my 2nd, the 1st a 33inch snapper yard cruiser, lasted me 15 years with a stamped deck and non maintainable hydros... Now granted at the time when I bought it, I was also mowing my wifes mothers house, my parents house and 2 other houses. It was easy to justify. I now mow my Dad's once a month and ours... but honestly I will never go back to a push mower.
Granted that the 30inch walk behind is a better mower you are probably right about that extra 8 inches (over my current 22) of width not being a big time saver. I think I would be in some trouble if I dropped 1K on a mower and still out there for over an hour.
That said, if one of the entry level model ZTRs is going to give me nothing but problems then I should start looking at some other options. One way or another my current mower has to go. Whoever designed the Craftsman 700 series needs to go back to engineering school.
What about the JD Z235? Looks to be on par with the Toro SS.
Tbh... if you spend more than an hr on a .4 acre lot your doing something wrong even with a 21"
That could very well be however this is a brand new house with a new lawn so I have hoses and sprinklers all over the place. My house also has 18 corners. You really need to think about the total time required including all support activities. It is not like the clock starts and stops with the blades on the mower.
1) Get ready to mow. Throw on old clothes and shoes. Get head phones / ear protection (5 min)
2) Get out mower and set up for mulch, throw, or bag depending on lawn conditions. Set proper height. Add gas. Sometimes check oil (5 min)
3) Disconnect all 6 sprinklers and move hoses out of the way (5 min)
4) Tilt up down spouts, remove kid toys, pick up dog crap. Charge up trimmer. (10 min)
5) Mow front left and left side (10 min)
6) Trim mow back (10 min)
7) Mow back (30 min)
8) Mow right side and front right (10 min)
9) Get out blower and house. Clean up mower with blower and washout. Put away (5 min)
10) Get out trimmer, check string, edge driveway, sidewalk, curb 300 ft (10 min)
11) Edge around the house / deck (5 min)
12) Blow off edger and put away. Blow off sidewalk, driveway, and siding. Put away blower (5 min)
13) Hook up sprinklers (5 min)
14) Go inside, take shower (15 min)
This is assuming no additional landscape work and that I'm not bagging the lawn - just over 2 hours start to finish.
The way I see it a ZTR would probably cut 60 min of mowing to 15. Also subtract another 15 minutes depending on the day as may not need to shower. An additional 10 minutes will be saved when I can get rid of the sprinklers.
I suppose when you think of it saving an hour each mow isn't a ton of time but when you have twins every second during the day counts :/
My advice to you would be to hire a company for a one time cut that uses a ztr and see how long it takes them to cut your lawn before you spend all types of money on a mower you may not need.
Good suggestion, but you have to think that they most likely will have a commercial ZTR that can go 10 mph, and his entry-level ZTR wouldn't go that fast. Also it might be a 2 or 3 man crew.
That could very well be however this is a brand new house with a new lawn so I have hoses and sprinklers all over the place. My house also has 18 corners. You really need to think about the total time required including all support activities. It is not like the clock starts and stops with the blades on the mower.
1) Get ready to mow. Throw on old clothes and shoes. Get head phones / ear protection (5 min)
2) Get out mower and set up for mulch, throw, or bag depending on lawn conditions. Set proper height. Add gas. Sometimes check oil (5 min)
3) Disconnect all 6 sprinklers and move hoses out of the way (5 min)
4) Tilt up down spouts, remove kid toys, pick up dog crap. Charge up trimmer. (10 min)
5) Mow front left and left side (10 min)
6) Trim mow back (10 min)
7) Mow back (30 min)
8) Mow right side and front right (10 min)
9) Get out blower and house. Clean up mower with blower and washout. Put away (5 min)
10) Get out trimmer, check string, edge driveway, sidewalk, curb 300 ft (10 min)
11) Edge around the house / deck (5 min)
12) Blow off edger and put away. Blow off sidewalk, driveway, and siding. Put away blower (5 min)
13) Hook up sprinklers (5 min)
14) Go inside, take shower (15 min)
This is assuming no additional landscape work and that I'm not bagging the lawn - just over 2 hours start to finish.
The way I see it a ZTR would probably cut 60 min of mowing to 15. Also subtract another 15 minutes depending on the day as may not need to shower. An additional 10 minutes will be saved when I can get rid of the sprinklers.
I suppose when you think of it saving an hour each mow isn't a ton of time but when you have twins every second during the day counts :/
I am going to be nice and not say what I am thinking.
There is no mower that is going to help you.
(( cowboy up and get over it ))
A zero turn mower on a new lawn, that's not going to look pretty when done:ashamed:
Thanks but I was trying to make a point that mowing is a subset of yardwork. All the little things add up. I was able to time the back yard at 30 minutes exactly so I was a bit off. Take out all of the sprinklers and I'd say 50 minutes mow time - not terrible but not great twice a week when you add in all the rest.
Now my current mower is a POS so it has got to go - the question remains what to replace it with.
I went to see the time master 30 and the time cutter 4260 in person and liked both.
Will the 30 inch cut my mow time down to 32 minutes (36% reduction)? Probably 40 minutes is more realistic. It is definitely a much nicer mower but wow it is pricey for a walk behind.
The ZTR could probably hit my lawn in 15 minutes with some practice. I'd say that is well within the territory of being able to do quick maintenance mows whenever needed during heavy growth. I still struggle with the fact that is is pretty ridiculous to have for my lot.
Can anyone with a time master 30 comment on their experience?
I can't comment on the Timemaster but if it cuts anything like it's big brother it will be a sweet mower and ideal for your situation. For the $999 price tag I don't think you can beat the price. Yes you can buy a 300 dollar Toro or Honda 21"like someone else suggested but that would be stupid on your part because you would end up exactly where you are now and at least with the 30" you cut your mowing time. If you have an hours worth of cutting time with your 21" the 30"will cut it in 40 minutes so your looking at cutting your time by a third and you'll end up with a far better cut. From the way you describe your lawn and the way you break it down as a business and I run a 30" a 36" and a 48" mowers the 30" is what I would mow with, the ztr Imo would be over kill and most likely leave me with more trimming to do than the 30" which is something for you to think about if you have never run a ztr because as someone else stated there's a learning curve with a ztr and even when you get used to it you will leave more area to be trimmed than using the 30"
In my opinion a good way for you to go would be to buy the Timemaster and work on reducing your prep time in some ways. Another point that someone mentioned and was a good point and that is if your lawn is a new lawn you'll have to be real careful with a ztr and go slow or you can tear or create a lot of turf damage so there goes your speed advantage with the ztr, and at between 2 and 3k that's a lot of waste.
There's no doubt that the 30 in can get right up in there - probably not much worse than my 22. Only having driven a ztr once I do not have a feel for what it will miss. Trees appear to be no problem but I have no trees, just a few corners with 3 of them being inside corners that need mowing. I actually plan on making those go away with some rock beds next year. I certainly have a lot to chew on but I believe it is down to the 30 in time master or the timecutter 4260.
As far as the prep time I will see what I can do about that - should be fairly simple, just need to mow in my dress clothes, rip off the down spouts, put away the sprinklers, shoot the dogs, and buy a goat (for trimming). Actually come to think of it I could leave my mower out in the front yard so it is always ready to go. I am still going to clean the damn thing though because like I said it is a POS and clogs up after mowing 3 strips :tongue:
As far as your prep time goes your on the right track. Instead of ripping off the down spouts why don't you install them at a height that will not hinder your mowing instead of screwing around with them every time you mow and yes throw the hoses and sprinklers away and try installing a under ground sprinkler system with a timer to turn it on and off like you should and would it be possible to make or teach the kids pick up there own toys and put them away when there done playing with them, there are a few more ways you could cut time off your list of complaints but I guess doing things with the right tools would be out of the question. As far as the mower clogging because it's a POS, that's a lot of bull because if a person knows how to set up the mower, mow his grass at the proper height the mower will work perfectly the way it's designed to. The thing is the timecutter nor the 30" isn't going to help you one bit because your not addressing your list of complaints at all. I guess it's like the old saying goes, You can't help those who can't or wont help themselves.
Thanks but I was trying to make a point that mowing is a subset of yardwork. All the little things add up. I was able to time the back yard at 30 minutes exactly so I was a bit off. Take out all of the sprinklers and I'd say 50 minutes mow time - not terrible but not great twice a week when you add in all the rest.
Now my current mower is a POS so it has got to go - the question remains what to replace it with.
I went to see the time master 30 and the time cutter 4260 in person and liked both.
Will the 30 inch cut my mow time down to 32 minutes (36% reduction)? Probably 40 minutes is more realistic. It is definitely a much nicer mower but wow it is pricey for a walk behind.
The ZTR could probably hit my lawn in 15 minutes with some practice. I'd say that is well within the territory of being able to do quick maintenance mows whenever needed during heavy growth. I still struggle with the fact that is is pretty ridiculous to have for my lot.
Can anyone with a time master 30 comment on their experience?
It would be kinda lame to buy a 2500 dollar machine do 3 circles around his house and be done the mower wouldn't even get warmed up its .4 acres this is a small yard not a field not a big open space he needs a walk behind I think a good quality 21 would do but the 30 toro would be good to anything bigger is just plain overkill
Instead of trimming just take roundup to all your edges everywhere you would weed wack. Figure out which direction to mow would be the fastest way.
Bury your hoses and get inground sprinklers no more moving hoses and sprinklers
Teach your kids to clean up (this is hard I know I have a 3 year old) no more toys.
There are always alternatives to everything work smarter not harder.....
Ric did you get up in a bad mood today? You seem a bit harsh! He said he is mowing parts of his yard 3 times a week... its not like he is letting it get overgrown. Also he stated he has 3 kids under the age of 2! I have no problems believing he would spend more time herding them around than just picking up toys himself. Not that it would be a bad thing to have them learn at a young age to put away their toys! Sprinkler system seems like a great idea, epecially if he goes for a 30 inch mower and saves 1500 vs the ztr. I have had several mowers over the years that clogged no matter what I did. Sharp blades helped, keeping the underside of the deck spotless helped ... but nothing would solve it. That being said I have 1 more comment about the ztr... will you ever have a need to pull a cart around the house? I use my ztr to move my trailers around, to pull a cart with salt for the pool up my hill from the truck, etc... last comment about the ztr, I would not plan for more than a 50% time savings on the actual mowing time! unless you are a very slow push mower... Which I am, but still cant cut off more than half the push mowing time.
It would be kinda lame to buy a 2500 dollar machine do 3 circles around his house and be done the mower wouldn't even get warmed up its .4 acres this is a small yard not a field not a big open space he needs a walk behind I think a good quality 21 would do but the 30 toro would be good to anything bigger is just plain overkill...
I agree that he should get a walk-behind, but 0.4 acres is a pretty decent sized yard. I mow a 0.41 acre yard tomorrow....will take pics to show how large it is.
According to a website this lawn is 0.41 acres (and I believe it). As you can see a ZTR would save some time, so if his yard is as open as this one (minus the sprinklers and toys), it would help, but I would still think a walk-behind would be good.
I would agree a ztr may save some time and this is only a shot in the dark and as pretty as your picture is I really feel like something is missing. The OP said his lot is .4 acres and I'm just assuming but I would guess there's like a 2000sq.ft home with a drive way and sidewalks with the 300ft of edging he talk about plus the flower beds or at least some landscaping he mentioned so when you put all that in your picture what's left? I would think a ztr is a little overkill.
I don't think a zero turn will help him. It might just add to is time.
Check oil 2 mins
Check gas add if needed 7 mins
Check tire air psi 2 mins
Adjust tire air psi 10 mins
Plan mowing route 15 mins
Talk to wife about how he will get ready to cut the grass 45 mins
(( cowboy up and get over it ))
Actually sit on mower crack open beer : timeless
Did I get up in a bad mood, I guess I'm like old Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke I went to bed mean and woke up meaner:smile: Actually I think he was being more than a little sarcastic with his reply about needing to mow in his dress clothes, ripping off the down spouts and putting away the sprinklers, shoot the dogs, and buy a goat (for trimming) Shoot the dogs, Please. Ya know I have no problems believing he would spend a lot of time taking care of the kids, I had four kids all under the age of 5 at one time in my life and I was like 24 years old but I managed to have a job and take care of my Home and lawn just like many other people I know of did but it was my choice and thank goodness their gone and have family's of there own. :thumbsup: I agree with Carscw no mower is going to help him.
I made sure to get a hitch because I have a ton of landscaping to do - would have come in handy a few weeks ago when I had to haul 30 bags of concrete out back.
I wouldn't do that. That's a sure way to ruin your transmission on your brand new machine and warranty won't cover abuse like that. They aren't made for pulling. Read your manual. It will give you total weight limit for machine.
They also sell snow plows made just for a pickup truck but if you install it and use it it voids the warranty.
(( cowboy up and get over it ))
I wouldn't do that. That's a sure way to ruin your transmission on your brand new machine and warranty won't cover abuse like that. They aren't made for pulling. Read your manual. It will give you total weight limit for machine.
They also sell snow plows made just for a pickup truck but if you install it and use it it voids the warranty.
(( cowboy up and get over it ))
You can also stop being such an ***.
You can also stop being such an ***.
Carscw is not being an ***, along with Parkmower there telling you the truth. Your mower has a Dual Hydrostatic Transmission Drive System the EZT, most likely. The smallest of the Hydro drives and they are not designed to pull anything. If you want to throw a small trailer on the back and use it for your yard tools fine but I wouldn't go pulling concrete around or anything of any weight or you'll stand a very good chance of destroying the drives.
Yep...ole Carscw may come across as a "little rough" from time to time, but you can assure that he's shooting straight with you and giving solid advice!!!
Point is just because they sell a tow hitch for your mower does not mean it will not void your warranty. You should really ask your dealer about this just to protect your self.
If I stop being a a ss then I would not be me
If telling things how they really are is being a azz then guess I am a azz
(( cowboy up and get over it ))
Point is just because they sell a tow hitch for your mower does not mean it will not void your warranty. You should really ask your dealer about this just to protect your self.
If I stop being a a ss then I would not be me
If telling things how they really are is being a azz then guess I am a azz
(( cowboy up and get over it ))
It is probably pointless to debate this because the thing will probably pull a small cart once or twice a year however
a) My dealer is the one who sold and installed my hitch
b) My dealer said a small cart will be just fine on this machine and it is best to keep it under 200 lbs
c) The warranty does not list any towing exclusions. The manual does not mention towing at all. The hitch manual is the only thing that references towing and says 80 lbs.
e) I cannot see how me towing two 80 lb bags of concrete is much different than a 300 lb person riding the ZTR towing nothing. Provided I would be towing with a four wheel cart because I'd rather keep the front wheels on the ground.
In the end it is just going to have to be a calculated risk. The way I see it towing is fine in moderation, with reasonable loads, and with loads spaced enough to prevent overheating.
If you think towing is bad for a ztr, how about plowing?
Plowing 12" of snow with MiBar Plow and Ariens Zoom 42 Zero Turn Mower - YouTube
I would never do that! Now the snow blower attachments are tempting but I doubt my machine could handle something as wide as its wheels plus the salt would eat my mower alive.
I'm having a difficult time trying to decide which more to move up to. I currently have a Craftsman 700 series walk behind which was purchased a few years ago for my old house. To be honest my mower is a piece of junk - it can't mulch any length of grass without clumping and grass is constantly getting stuck everywhere.
My new lot is only .4 acres (including the additional 20x94 feet I can mow into the green belt behind my house). The basement is 1/2 exposed so there are half story hills on either side. All included it probably takes me a good 2+ hours to mow, trim, and get everything cleaned up (not including myself). This is best case however since this mower doesn't mulch well I usually have to bag which takes even longer and leaves me with a trip to the city compost pile on the weekend.
So my lot is definitely too small to turn a tractor, especially with all the corners on the house and probable fence in the future. A ZTR, while I believe it would work well, still seems a bit ridiculous. The wife wants me to cut down the mow time so I can help more with the three young ones all under the age of 2 :/
Here's what I have looked at so far:
- Toro Time Cutter 30 inch walk behind
Not really thrilled about this but it is cheaper than ZTRs. I'm sure it will mulch better than the craftsman.
- Toro Time Cutter SS 42
This is probably the right size for ZTR however I'm not sure about the Kohler engine, stamped deck, and non-maintainable transmission. I also haven't seen anything listing the BTS.
- Hustler Raptor 42
Looks like a possible option but the BTS is relatively low and the nearest dealer is 40 miles away.
- Ariens Zoom 42
Jury is still out on this one. Seems about on par with the Toro SS
What else should I be looking at?
Would be nice to keep this at 2500 or less although I am not the type of person that would be penny wise and pound foolish. I also need to consider that this is a small lot so there won't be a ton of hours logged. If my stamped deck gets a hole in 8 years it might be more cost effective to replace the stamped deck vs upgrade to something that has a welded deck. I suppose this could be the case with transmission as well?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I just bought a Husqvarna ztr 48" welded deck..Probably a little too big for you but I saw some 42" ztr that looked pretty nice you might want to check them out. I bought a 48 " deere z245 but took it back on the 30 policy they had in place in August.
Just curious, why did you take back the John Deere? It might better help us recommend mowers.
Returned the jd after 20 days and about 3 times of mowing 1.5 acres.... It didnt seem to cut that well for me and the grass would blow up through the deck plate on to your legs and feet had to wear long pants to mow..The dealer said this was common on all zero turn mowers but my husqvarna rz4824f doesnt do this..I was going to try a bigger model from jd but didnt like the way the salesman acted about my return so I went looking..I believe in buying from a dealer and I found this mower for less money about $100.and 0% financing for 3years.
Didn't know much about Husqvarna but I'm impressed with the sturdy build and easy access to grease fittings on the spindles and wheels.The deck is welded with a lifetime guarantee,It has a Kawaski 730 frv motor 24 hp.
You might want to consider a used commercial zrt mower like a scagg or a gravley. I own a lawn care business and have come across a few good used machines for sale. I think the smallest scagg zrt is 42" . rGravley has a 36". Maybe alot of money up front but you would never have to buy another one.
I , too, have a 0.4 acre lot, and having anything over ...36 inches or so is excessive and can scalp unless its a professionally graded lawn, which mine is not !I think the 30" would do you best .4 is a bit small for a most ZTR in my opinion and most of those 42" are much to big the time master 30" walk behind is about 1000 bucks and much cheaper than the others
Tbh... if you spend more than an hr on a .4 acre lot your doing something wrong even with a 21"
That could very well be however this is a brand new house with a new lawn so I have hoses and sprinklers all over the place. My house also has 18 corners. You really need to think about the total time required including all support activities. It is not like the clock starts and stops with the blades on the mower.
1) Get ready to mow. Throw on old clothes and shoes. Get head phones / ear protection (5 min)
2) Get out mower and set up for mulch, throw, or bag depending on lawn conditions. Set proper height. Add gas. Sometimes check oil (5 min)
3) Disconnect all 6 sprinklers and move hoses out of the way (5 min)
4) Tilt up down spouts, remove kid toys, pick up dog crap. Charge up trimmer. (10 min)
5) Mow front left and left side (10 min)
6) Trim mow back (10 min)
7) Mow back (30 min)
8) Mow right side and front right (10 min)
9) Get out blower and house. Clean up mower with blower and washout. Put away (5 min)
10) Get out trimmer, check string, edge driveway, sidewalk, curb 300 ft (10 min)
11) Edge around the house / deck (5 min)
12) Blow off edger and put away. Blow off sidewalk, driveway, and siding. Put away blower (5 min)
13) Hook up sprinklers (5 min)
14) Go inside, take shower (15 min)
This is assuming no additional landscape work and that I'm not bagging the lawn - just over 2 hours start to finish.
The way I see it a ZTR would probably cut 60 min of mowing to 15. Also subtract another 15 minutes depending on the day as may not need to shower. An additional 10 minutes will be saved when I can get rid of the sprinklers.
I suppose when you think of it saving an hour each mow isn't a ton of time but when you have twins every second during the day counts :/
There's no doubt that the 30 in can get right up in there - probably not much worse than my 22. Only having driven a ZTR once I do not have a feel for what it will miss. Trees appear to be no problem but I have no trees, just a few corners with 3 of them being inside corners that need mowing. I actually plan on making those go away with some rock beds next year. I certainly have a lot to chew on but I believe it is down to the 30 in time master or the timecutter 4260.
As far as the prep time I will see what I can do about that - should be fairly simple, just need to mow in my dress clothes, rip off the down spouts, put away the sprinklers, shoot the dogs, and buy a goat (for trimming). Actually come to think of it I could leave my mower out in the front yard so it is always ready to go. I am still going to clean the damn thing though because like I said it is a POS and clogs up after mowing 3 strips :tongue: