Need Help on Craftsman Snow Blower with Tecumseh Engine but have No Information


May 7, 2018
  • / Need Help on Craftsman Snow Blower with Tecumseh Engine but have No Information
I really appreciate all the info and the effort put forth. I'm in possession of several different manuals for the engine and the snowblower itself. Now I have a couple of questions because I am not familiar with the Tecumseh Engine or the snowblower for that matter. (I know this isn't a snowblower forum) I have a throttle adjustment lever but it doesn't do anything because from what I can tell this engine has a governor on it. Am I correct on this? The throttle lever is hooked to an extension spring. The carb cover is not attached so it rattles something fierce. Can someone please explain to me how to remove the terminal assembly from the carb cover? I didn't have time to figure it out. Because it is riveted on from the outside. So, I have some miscellaneous hardware I need to get. Now the muffler is intact. But good grief a person would go deaf running this unit. I'm guessing the muffler is not working correctly or at all. Any clue how many rpm's this thing goes to? All in all the parts are readily available locally and online of course. I'm not concerned in getting parts, just trying to figure a few things out. Thanks for the help again on this thing. Have a great evening.


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
  • / Need Help on Craftsman Snow Blower with Tecumseh Engine but have No Information
Remove the heat box (cover over the carb) by removing two screws and the choke control knob. Knob just pries off. The throttle control lever is hooked to the governor control arm with a spring and the governor arm is hooked to the carb with a linkage. I know of no reason you need to remove the control assembly from the shroud. The Tecumseh manual should have pics on how things should be hooked up, look at both the carb and governor sections. If you can’t figure it out give us some pics of what you are talking about.


May 7, 2018
  • / Need Help on Craftsman Snow Blower with Tecumseh Engine but have No Information
Good morning Rivets. Thanks for the reply. I'm missing all the screws so the "heat box" is just banging around. I took the choke knob off last night. You are correct it pries off. I'm missing the 2 screws that go through the carb cover to attach. I'm getting those. Also, the carb cover bracket has a screw broke off that comes in from the top. It is also bent a little. I want to get one of those ordered to make sure the cover is secured. I probably wasn't clear in my post. I do not need to move the control assembly. My question was if the throttle stop, slow and fast was to be functional because it isn't on mine. Then I realized there was a governor on this engine. So, this thing just runs at full tilt the whole time? My JD Walk Behind is the same way. It's governed but has no throttle control, unlike this snowblower. That is where my confusion comes from. It has electric start and will start with ease. But, when it does it goes from 0-100 in seconds and just screams. The muffler is all rusted but intact. I didn't know if the muffler isn't working correctly because this thing is deafening. The other issue is where the "key" goes. How do I remove piece attached to the carb cover since it is riveted on from the outside? The key comes out, but then I'm left with a terminal assembly. Kind of need to know how that comes apart. Because I need to take that off in order to take the carb cover off to get to the carb cover bracket I need to replace. Also, if the muffler needs replaced I will need to get to it. I can take some pictures later today after the rain passes through. I apologize for all the questions. I'm a very mechanical guy but getting my hands on something different has quite a learning curve. You seem to always reply and I think you for your expertise. If you ever have a farming or Agricultural related question, that is where my real expertise lies. Thank you and have a great day!


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
  • / Need Help on Craftsman Snow Blower with Tecumseh Engine but have No Information
I think I have a good idea of what you need to do, but if you could give us a couple of pics of the control panel, linkage, top of carb, it would help a lot.