Need Engine Bolt Torque Values


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
You misunderstand Rivets. I am not bad mouthing you at all. It is just a common error if you don't check the source info. I was earlier was going to link the same file to an another member over on ODK but the image catch my eye and I dug a little before doing so myself.

We all make mistakes just like I pulled the wrong taper bearings this afternoon for a in-house repair. I got all the tools out and then seen I had the wrong bearings. I had mistaken a 7 for a 9. No biggie but I still free dumb for doing it. At least I had 13 of the LM11949 that I was actually needing instead the LM11749 that initially pulled. Anyway having them is better than me having to order the 741-04129 and 741-04130 bearings and cups from MTD as I was needing 6 sets..

I actually got a whole collection the Briggs SM manuals here, I just won't post them on this forum just like I won't PM or email anyone here as I just don't want to get my backside crawled again.
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Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
I have been thinking this some lately. I am seriously considering quitting this forum as people just cant take it that their mistakes gets corrected so anyone has the correct info. They seem to think it is terrible for to do this.

So I will go dark from now on................................
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Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
Star seeing your last post was directed at me, I’ll reply. I don’t mind it when someone corrects me when I make a mistake. I do take exception when it is done in a way that can seem like I’m a stupid idiot. I’ve made my share of mistakes and seen just about as many, but I learned how to tell someone they may be wrong in a non condescending way. To me, it seems like you like to call individuals out when you spot a mistake, in a way that will elevate how you look. I’ve said it before that you come off as an extremely smart mechanic, but you personal communication skills need work. Your decision as to whether to leave this forum is up to you and I’ll not beg you to stay, I’ll just ask you to think about how an individual will take your posting when you feel you need to correct someone. Maybe a PM instead of reply all would be a better way to go. Read my signature.


Forum Newbie
Sep 7, 2021
So what is your problem with my post. Remember I don’t have the vast experience you have, especially when pointing the mistakes made by you feel are idiots.
Many thanks, Rivets. Every person who helped is appreciated.