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My pet peeve about LMF




Is the members who ask for advice and/or suggestions in a new thread, then never follow up after others provide advice or suggestions. An example would be if I asked about a mysterious problem with my power equipment, and several of you responded with your input, yet I never let anyone know if certain advice did indeed cure the malady, or solve my problem.

What is the purpose of asking advice, and then not providing feedback to those who try and assist? :confused2:




It happans all the time JD.
Joe nonothing's mower quits so he gets on line looking for answers he searches lawn mowers and this forum pops up. He registers,posts a question on this site and a few others gets his answer, fixes the mower or takes it to the shop, gets it running and can't even remember the site that gave him the advice he needed let alone post a follow up.
At least you helped somebody, so don't let it bother you. Your advice is good advice:wink:
Ever look at the Who's online page? It's amazing to me that there are hundreds of people on the site that never even register, post or reply to a post.




It happans all the time JD.
Joe nonothing's mower quits so he gets on line looking for answers he searches lawn mowers and this forum pops up. He registers,posts a question on this site and a few others gets his answer, fixes the mower or takes it to the shop, gets it running and can't even remember the site that gave him the advice he needed let alone post a follow up.
At least you helped somebody, so don't let it bother you. Your advice is good advice:wink:
Ever look at the Who's online page? It's amazing to me that there are hundreds of people on the site that never even register, post or reply to a post.

Yes, I realize there are a whole bunch of folks lurking around that never want to be recognized...I am just naturally curious about "WAS my advice GOOD advice, or was it USELESS advice" and if someone replies giving feedback, the rest of us members are going to learn something.




It would be nice if everyone followed up and updated the thread with the status or just said thanks... but I guess especially when they're new members they might not care enough to do that. And we have no way of forcing them to do that. :frown:

If we wanted to get creative we could come up with a script that checked forthreads with one or more replies but no replies from the original poster, then send an e-mail notification to the original poster to please update the thread. :thumbsup:




I agree with JD. When someone has a problem, and I answer as well as 2 or 3 others, I would like to know what he fix was. This would also be helpful to others who may have experienced the same problem.




If I ask a question I always try to come back and see what responses were offered, try them out and then let you know which did and didn't work for me.




If we wanted to get creative we could come up with a script that checked forthreads with one or more replies but no replies from the original poster, then send an e-mail notification to the original poster to please update the thread. :thumbsup:

Thats a good idea but I don't know if anything is gained in the long run, if it becomes necessary to force someone to be more socially conscious....
There are just some folks that stumble through life, being unconscious to a lot of things going on all around them...
For those that only seem to be visitors to this site... I am sure if they 'visit' often enough, they will eventually come across something that they feel they could contribute. When that happens they will register and only increase the number of experiences that are represented on this forum... :smile:KennyV




If someone asks a question and others try to help, the least the person who asked should do is thank the people who tried to help. If it was good advice, it's nice to point that out. If the advice wasn't so valuable,:laughing: I wouldn't say anything other than "thank you".




If someone asks a question and others try to help, the least the person who asked should do is thank the people who tried to help. If it was good advice, it's nice to point that out. If the advice wasn't so valuable,:laughing: I wouldn't say anything other than "thank you".

As my signature reads, free advice is worth what you pay for it....:laughing::laughing:




As my signature reads, free advice is worth what you pay for it....:laughing::laughing:

Some of the best advice I've got was free:thumbsup:...
Some of the worst cost, and it cost a lot:frown:...
so you never know and you can usually count on getting the same refund from the free as you get for the costly... :smile:KennyV




I remember a gym instructor. He has many customers, rich ones. So, he has lots of money. But after ten years he's not happy. He feels bad that many clients come back, fat again. That happens again and again, and so he asks if he is really a good gym instructor. Many people don't understand why he does not like paying customers to come back. But I think I understand him.
