like fanatic said, i put a weight box on my tractor for plowing and it works great! didn't need chains, i only put about 30-35pounds in the thing. and plus, both of our tractors are almost the same. and if you would like more help, please post pictures so we have a better idea of what you're talking about!!
Thanks guys.
Metz - You are plowing what I'm guessing is a fairly flat and maybe fairly level surface, maybe even paved? None of this describes what I am clearing :wink: The blower weighs in at about 350#, I don't think 35# in the box will cut it. At the moment I have about 185# in the box. It used to be 210# but the top of one bag was sticking out and got ripped by the tire chain. Thus I unnecessarily sanded some of the area :laughing:
Looks like it DOESN'T have to be as low as possible though. :smile: Keeping Kenny's comments in mind, I can probably get by if it is even 4" to 6" higher, especially if the ball and plate are removed. To be fair, if the front wheels are on a rise high enough to catch the rear of the box raised 6", this little tractor isn't going to push all that weight up it anyway. Presumably I could manage if all I'm occasionally dragging is the support rails under the box and no longer dealing with the plate and ball on the back. I'll do some measurements and see what the most likely minimum height increase would be and see if I can get the box modified.
Hmm, I have to look and see how the box is attached to the rails that slide into the blower support frame. If I've been good, it is bolted on and I can create my own "raiser" out of wood or angle iron. If not, I'm at the mercy of someone with a welder and the ability to make something that will hold the box and slip into the support frame. I'm pretty sure the rust, er I mean rear shroud over the gas tank, won't support much weight.
I won't be able to get pictures for a few days but I'll do my best. In the meantime, take your box and put the front edge of the bottom of it just behind and below the nut on the ball shown in you picture THEN stick a piece of plate metal on the bottom of the rear of the box and a ball on the end of that Then run the tractor over lumpy terrain where the front wheels will be higher than the rear and the back of the box is dragging :smile: THEN have the rear wheels sink some and try to back up jamming the ball into the ground .... You'll have a pretty good idea.
OK, more pictures - whole rig:
Front angle:
Rear angle:
Side shot of the "ramps" coming out of the barn. Before I added these, the ball would catch on the floor of the barn on the way in (reversing) or out (forward). I can't get any closer to the barn if running parallel to it or the machine will slip sideways down what you can see isn't a particularly steep slope. Chickens in the background enjoying the January thaw.:
that is a sweet rig. i want a snowblower front end. do you have the deck for that too?
Yep, 50"
All except the sand bags free from a friend at work. Of course "free" takes more immediate money and work than "new". But I've spent no more than a couple hundred dollars on parts (and a whole lot of hours) and I get to learn on a rusty old tractor rather than screwing up a new one :smile:
Check with Google, I'm pretty sure I ran across the same blower presumably new in the box for a few hundred $$. If true, it is a STEAL. Though, unless you live close to the seller, the shipping could be a killer. 350 pounds doesn't ship cheap.
Sorry, can't do it. I sold it a few weeks ago, replaced with a 54" Craftsman Garden Tractor in the spring and a "just received" 50" Agri-fab blower.hi could you please post 1 picture of the front of your lawnmower right where the snow blower itself mounts to the frame of the lawn mower because i have same lawnmower only a vanguard twin 20 hp and i was going to buy a snow blower but the snowblower i was going to buy , the last fidget of the model number was different than yours, your snowblower model number is 190-831, and the one i wanted to buy is a 190-032, so i didn't know if it would fit on mine, everything looked pretty much the same though from what i could see.