Most likely because no one has sued a ZTR maker because the idiot operator has reversed over them, their child etc and won a massive claim,,, yet .
Some do cut out if both lap bars are in full reverse.
Once upon a time if you ran over your child when mowing , driving your car etc, you would be arrested then go to court and most likely gaol
Now days you sue the vehicle maker because it has become their fault you are a stupid , careless , lazy idiot .
We change the laws down here a while back so if your child got $ 10,000,000 because you accidentially injured them , you can never ever touch one cent of the money.
All of the compensation has to go into trust for the child which is administered either by the government or a private trust company and that includes the legal bills.
Apparently that dropped the civil damages drastically
The next step is to ban the no win no fee lawyers .
New Zealand went one step better by bringing in government run compensation so if you are injured you just put in a claim, a tribunal asses your claim and th money starts to flow from day one.
However there are no lump sums , you get an income stream based on what you were earning ( or could have been earning ) indexed for inflation + medical costs forever + whatever dissability support you need .
We are looking very closely at the same system
You still can sue for damages, but if you do there is no income till the case is heard and that can be several years plus the judges look at your case more as profiteering than compensation . Claims for pain & suffering have been abolished .
Lawyers hate it , insurance companies love it and they donate more to political parties .