Hahah yeah it would take a bit to get to your place.. Sorry I am only very new to this app, I signed up that day that I got in touch with you sooo i I have no idea how to post things and find people and do different things on this site lol, so sorry, mate u sound like a really awesome guy thankyou so much for your help, there aren't many people like you around any more

ok hear goes... It's a long story witch I wouldn't mind telling you about so u get an idea on why I want to do it up.. And also I think it might be a long story of parts lol so ill let you know what I know.. But saying that this is the first time I have had a ride on and havnt ever played around with them so you will have to bare with me lol... Ok so my dad witch I got the lawn mower for he lives on half an acer witch is a pretty big block of land around here lol, and he is 65..so my dad about 7 years ago had a triple by pass on his heart and was told to take it easy after that. He loves mowing his lawn and has always had push lawn mowers and never new ones either he has 5 I think lol he swaps and changes and when they die he fixes them and has always had fun with them so anyway my dad goes to church every Sunday and met a guy that is paralyzed in one side of his body and can't do much so dad went over to his house and mower his very long grass for him and actually passed out for 15 minutes and was by himself so as u could understand I got a but worried after that so I have been looking around for a long time for just a cheap ride on for him going or not I wanted one and I'd fix it... So one day went to these markets at this guys house and that's we're I found the lawn mower it had a sign on it saying free lawn mower with new motor so I said straight away yep ill be back with a trailer to pick it up. Ok the guy told me that did own it that he used it last about 2 years ago, that's when it was started last BUT! It was running but was very ruff,Lao he put it away and his mate said he would take it and fix it up for him and bring it back....the guy bought it back worse then he took it.. He took parts off didn't put them back and some of the wiring is apart so I don't know we're it goes back and yeah so anyway that's were I'm at... I hope ur still awake lol, but I just wanted you to know why I want to do it.ok so now for that parts ect. The motor! The guy said its 10yrs old and done next to nothing in hours. And the original was a Briggs and Stratton, he said the last time it was started was 2 yrs ago, I havnt started it yet myself yet that's just taking his word.i have to take the fuel tank off and drain and put new fuel In it before I can do anything with it though,but looking at it I would need parts before I can get it started.the battery for one I need to charge or get another,the ignition doesn't have a key,but I'm thinking that's all for the motor to get it running.unless you can think of anything? Ok.as I said the wiring is pretty messy, the front bar that holds wheels together is off but as far as I can see all that is is a ball joint that I need to push it back on. The steering wheel when u turn it it just keeps turning. I had a look at the bottom of the pole and it looks like it has come off a disc witch makes it turn it's like a half disc but it has a lot of dirt witch I have to scoop out to have a proper look to see if its all there, the front lights it's missing one but don't even know if there just for show or are meant to work but there is no wiring to go to it, the deck is off another mower the guy said it is a better one then the original because this one is a slasher witch chops the grass finer, he showed me how to adjust it but that looks dodge because you actually have to get under the mower to adjust it up and down, the back tyres are ok still in working order, the front two are blown but as u can see he gave me two new tyres and one tube so I have to buy another one, and the rims on the front are rusted on the inside and out are rusted, I'm not really worried about the rust on the outside but the inside I wanna get off because it might pop the tubes,also the C clamp on the two front tires is missing that hold the wheels on so I need them, and the hardest part is the dash it's cracked and the knob that u can see in the picture is broken, and I think there are a couple of others that are as well,the seat is all torn but it's not important, so u can get an idea of where I'm at with it, it is pretty much all there as u said but the parts that aren't are going to be hard to find I think and as far as I know Bolens dosnt exist anymore either? And because it was made over we're you are it's even harder to get though's parts and I have looked on EBay and there is 16 listings for Bolens, so what do you think I should do? I really want to get it going but I'm stuck!