Looking for advice re: purchasing a reliable lawn tractor


Forum Newbie
Apr 23, 2020
  • / Looking for advice re: purchasing a reliable lawn tractor
I have a Kawasaki Twin on a approx 15 year old JD Lawn Tractor. It's been rock solid. Other than batteries, only repair was a solenoid.


Active Member
May 31, 2018
  • / Looking for advice re: purchasing a reliable lawn tractor
Spring 2001, three acres of grass growing fast, and my incredibly old MTD rear engine Briggs mower crapped out for good. I can't remember what the problem was, but I couldn't fix it or wait weeks for it to get fixed, so I hopped in the truck & bought the first thing I ran across at Home Depot - a JD Scotts L1742 with a 17 HP B&S engine. Here it is 23 years later and it's still running strong. I had a head gasket blow & I replaced that, and a slight problem with an electrical supply to the fuel solenoid, and a couple of easily repaired body issues. I'm not a big JD fan either, particularly in recent years, but it's hard to argue with 23 years of service. I also picked up a used LA-105 (19 hp John Deere engine (B&S?) a few years back for mulching the yard during grass season, but the L1742 is still used for towing stuff and to pick up leaves in the fall.

The point is that it may be luck of the draw, but my experience with JD has been good so far (knock on wood).

Keeping the oil changed and doing regular maintenance seems to do the trick for me. That's all I do for my 1984 Mazda B2000 pickup and my 1991 Honda Accord too, each with the same engines and both running like new. (Bet I've jinxed myself now...)
The JD you bought at a big box store over 20 years ago is a different species than the crap they sell today.

The focus on branding and marketing has paid off for JD but the end user has not benefited. I think it’s going to catch up with them. I wouldn’t consider a JD today. Their stuff I bought 30+ years ago was excellent! Still have a JD chain saw pushing 40 years! ( yes I know it was made by another company)
Sep 18, 2017
  • / Looking for advice re: purchasing a reliable lawn tractor
The JD you bought at a big box store over 20 years ago is a different species than the crap they sell today.

The focus on branding and marketing has paid off for JD but the end user has not benefited. I think it’s going to catch up with them. I wouldn’t consider a JD today. Their stuff I bought 30+ years ago was excellent! Still have a JD chain saw pushing 40 years! ( yes I know it was made by another company)

That's a good point; if I were to purchase another one these days, I would not buy anything from a big-box store for the very reason you state - not the same beast. I would (however) consider a JD from a dealership - x series, etc. or maybe a sub-compact Kubota. I've been jonesing for a sub-compact for a bunch of years now. I'm 66 years old, so I'd better do it if I'm going to. On the other hand, I get a certain satisfaction from keeping my old stuff running well, so there's that.

Finding the right brand to purchase these days is a challenge, that's what prompted me to read this thread. To the OP - I'd be interested in knowing what your choice is once you decide if you don't mind posting it here.


May 6, 2023
  • / Looking for advice re: purchasing a reliable lawn tractor
Hi Folks, I'm looking to purchase a good reliable small lawn tractor (not JD!) for approx. 13K sq of lawn. I'm hoping to avoid Briggs&Stratton engines, specifically the 18HP
used in the JD E110 as there is some chatter that problems exist with these motors. Some Craftsman and Husqvarna models have Kohler engines, which might be a bit more
reliable. I'd be grateful for any/all advice.
And to explain the JD boycott, I purchased an E110 in 2020 and after 4 seasons, 160 hours of use and timely maintenance the engine failed. Fool me once...
Thank you in advance.
Don't know if you're considering a commercial mower, which will last you a lifetime, but I have three Ferris mowers with Kawasaki engines. Horses.


Lawn Addict
Jul 11, 2021
  • / Looking for advice re: purchasing a reliable lawn tractor
The JD Scotts mower was probably built by Murray.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2021
  • / Looking for advice re: purchasing a reliable lawn tractor
Please be aware that I am talking brand new, low end, residential, big box store riding mowers.

Obviously, a John Deere X series riding mower does not fit this because it is more like $5000 plus new. John Deere has done an amazing job of marketing and branding their name. Quality wise, parts and shop labor rates, and ease of working on them, not so amazing. In other words, John Deere costs more to buy, maintain, don’t hold up any better, and are a pain in the butt to work on often. Obviously, I am not a fan of John Deere. This is coming from hands on experience. Up to 25% of the riding mowers I service are John Deere in my area, so despite not always liking servicing them, it becomes necessary. Our local John Deere dealer is almost $200/ hour on labor. Please tell me how that cost premium is even remotely justified versus the other shops.
As in using the same Denso starter as any other Kaw engine EXCEPT the JD had a smaller nose cone to fit into the housing that JD has Kaw design exclusively for them. Reg Denso starter $200. Same starter with the JD nose cone $349! BTW, the nose cone is easily swappable from the bad starter to the new one!


Aug 13, 2012
  • / Looking for advice re: purchasing a reliable lawn tractor
Hi Folks, I'm looking to purchase a good reliable small lawn tractor (not JD!) for approx. 13K sq of lawn. I'm hoping to avoid Briggs&Stratton engines, specifically the 18HP
used in the JD E110 as there is some chatter that problems exist with these motors. Some Craftsman and Husqvarna models have Kohler engines, which might be a bit more
reliable. I'd be grateful for any/all advice.
And to explain the JD boycott, I purchased an E110 in 2020 and after 4 seasons, 160 hours of use and timely maintenance the engine failed. Fool me once...
Thank you in advance.
If Snapper still uses kawasaki engines, you might want to consider one. Small engine repair guys tell me that are the best.


Forum Newbie
Sep 7, 2014
  • / Looking for advice re: purchasing a reliable lawn tractor
Hi Folks, I'm looking to purchase a good reliable small lawn tractor (not JD!) for approx. 13K sq of lawn. I'm hoping to avoid Briggs&Stratton engines, specifically the 18HP
used in the JD E110 as there is some chatter that problems exist with these motors. Some Craftsman and Husqvarna models have Kohler engines, which might be a bit more
reliable. I'd be grateful for any/all advice.
And to explain the JD boycott, I purchased an E110 in 2020 and after 4 seasons, 160 hours of use and timely maintenance the engine failed. Fool me once...
Thank you in advance.
Curious as to why you want a garden tractor style mower instead of a front deck or zero turn?

If you have use for a garden tractor, such as attachments, I would get an older dependable machine.

We sold our 1980 John Deere 400 a couple years ago and have regretted it ever since.