Locking your tractor


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Might make you feel good but 5 second spray with liquid freeze followed by a whack with a punch or chisel and all but the $ 100/ yard chain is on the ground in little pieces.

Takes about 30 seconds
Oct 1, 2015
At that point, it's not a theft of opportunity, it's a determined effort. Pretty much nothing will stop a competent, determined thief. The objective in most counter theft efforts, is to stop the amateurs.

The objective of putting the chain where it's as inaccessible as possible, is to raise the bar on planning and equipment required, time, noise, and pain in the *** factor for the thief.

Youy could bury a GPS tracker in it, but now you're into a monthly expense... There's higher levels of thieves, and there's higher levels of security... it comes down to the value of the equipment you want to protect.

Chained into the ground tight = not gonna lose it to an amateur..

A infra - red camera will give you a picture or video of who offed with your stuff, but the red glow from the LEDs lets the thief know to wear a hoodie and bring a can of spray paint..


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
There is a funny perception out there that thieves are stupid.
They are not, if they were there would not be any any property theft.
If some one is wanderig around the back of your property , they are not opportunist , they are full time thieves.
Thieves tend to specialize, even junkies off their heads and so go looking for stuff to pinch, tools in hand.
Removing one or both front wheels makes the mower next to impossible to move unless you are faced with professional mower thieves.
So that is all that is needed to keep the neighbourhood hoodlem children at bay.
After that just about everything is useless

The way to stop property thieft is for you , me and most others to become truly honest and not support trading in stolen goods or even better to actively ensure the market is curtailed.
When was the laast time you alerted the authorities that you had been offered potentially stolen goods ?
Unfortunatly there are always plenty of "honest, god worshiping, church going, upright members of the community, who will happily buy stuff that is way too cheap to be anything other than stolen without a second thought.
OTOH Portugal has definitely proven that most property theft & muggings are directly proportional to drug use So decriminalising drugs and , most importantly providing support to drug users to rejoin the community will drop these crimes by 80% or more.
Unfortunately for those in Australia & the USA the authorities who have built up an empire enforcing drug prohibition wil not allow this to happen at home and the authorities that use drug trading to support foreign policy will not let this happen overseas .