burner boy, You did right. Knowledge sets us free. Greed keeps a closed hand. Only 10% of readers will act on your info , anyway. Lawyers want big fish not knuckle busters.
burner boy, You did right. Knowledge sets us free. Greed keeps a closed hand. Only 10% of readers will act on your info , anyway. Lawyers want big fish not knuckle busters.
No worries all. Just amazed that such a reputable company that appears to be targeting the home market now in addition to the pro market isnt more open.
Just don't understand the whole dark-arts of providing useful manuals, but hey we have some and as posted earlier download away quick in case the site gets found and taken down.
You can buy them on flea-bay but for silly money so there is obviously a supply of these and a demand for them.
Had trouble with my blower (see other post) and found a great site googling.
It has all the above (and more) for loads of Stihls and I hope it will help some other members. Some of the links are dead but the ones I needed are fine.
Mods - I hope this isnt wrong posting this, if so please PM me and explain etc. This has been posted as it helped me and I hope it helps someone else - no more, no less.
or to search for model